Taken By The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 6) - Page 14

“No. Sorry,” I lie.

Crystal studies me. “Shit. You good?”

I nod though I am anything but okay.

“Let’s get out of here then.”

I look back once at the man on the bed.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper, grabbing my clothes as I rush to get dressed and flee the scene of my crime.

Chapter Six

I grunt as a fist pounds against my chest. “Oomph,” I gasp, and my eyes fly open to Viking standing over me. His expression brutal.

Brother has the appearance of a fucking savage. And he is, especially in the ring. Only stupid fucks try to go toe to toe with him.

“Fuck. Man. Scared the hell outta me. Thought them bitches killed you.”

“Take more than some pussy to kill me.” Hazel drugged me. And now she’s likely nowhere to be found. Fuck. I sit up and rub my eyes. I blink a few times and gather my bearings after being knocked the fuck out. Anyone else and they’d be dead for the shit she pulled on me. Fucking dumb. Let my dick do my thinking and now I’ve fucked up. Prez is getting married, and I’m expected back in West Virginia soon. He’s going to kill me.

“You good?”

“Yeah. Shit. Your sister, Karma hits harder than that.”

“Don’t be bringing my sister into your shit,” he warns.

“Where is she these days anyway?” I smirk as I head toward the bathroom.

“North Carolina. Away from the likes of you,” he yells as I close the door.

Viking’s sister is hot as fuck, but she’s also a Royal Harlot. Not a bitch you want to piss off if you want to keep your dick intact. Every one of them bitches is crazy. Must be a membership requirement to join their pussies only club.

I wash my face and hit a shot of mouthwash. Before I do anything, I need some food on my stomach and a steaming cup of coffee to wake my ass up. When I exit the bathroom Viking is cursing.

“Check your fuckin’ wallet. Cunts rolled me after I passed out. Woke up in one of the damn loungers by the pool freezing my ass off. Gives a whole new meaning to blue balls. Didn’t even get my dick sucked.” He scratches the back of his neck. “Nuts were about froze to the damn chair.”

I pull my jeans on and grab my wallet off the floor along with Hazel’s picture. “I’m all accounted for. Musta been that Crystal bitch got you. Last thing I remember is I

was in the pool.”

“Hell, man. What’s our plan now?”

“Breakfast. Got a few addresses to check out then I’m going to watch that damn strip club to see if either of them turn up. My guess is if I can’t find Hazel her big ass friend will lead me to her.”

Can’t believe she fuckin’ drugged me. She had to of found her picture. What must she be thinking?


“What did your food ever do to you?” Viking stares at my plate, lip curling upward.

I continue to squirt ketchup over my scrambled eggs and fried potatoes. “You don’t know what you’re missing.”

“Brother, I can go the rest of my life without tasting that shit.”

“Your loss.” I shrug and flip the lid on the ketchup closed. We all can’t be health fanatics like him. Probably shoves celery or some shit up his ass to train for his fights. Though gotta say he’s a bad ass mother fucker. I wouldn’t want to take him on. “Gotta be better than that mush you’re scarfing down.”

“Dude, it’s oatmeal.”

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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