Taken By The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 6) - Page 21

I drive to the club on autopilot. I park Jackson’s piece of shit truck next to my car. I don’t want to see anyone right now, but it looks like I’ll have to if I want to get my car and get out of here. I need to take a chill pill and think about my options. A new town and new life can solve anything. At least that is the lie I’m feeding myself.

I go through the back hoping I can avoid Dirty Tony and Lefty. I should just get in my car and drive until I run out of gas and money and never look back. I can’t do that though. I still have the Holy/Beni situation looming in the back of my mind. Is he even still in town? Will he come back? Do I want to see him again?

I can’t do anything about him right now but thoughts of him keep flashing to the forefront of my mind as I enter the club.

“There you are.”


Dirty Tony. He’s been decent to me, but he’s also a greedy bastard who takes more than a fair cut off our side gigs. The hard expression on his face not only serves to intimidate me but it highlights the nasty scar that runs through his left eyebrow. I’m not sure how he came by the ugly mark. I do know whatever it was wasn’t anything good. Not with the company he keeps. He got Crystal and I to do a private party for one of his friends. They didn’t tip and at the end of the night the fucker gave us thirty bucks each and said thanks for the favor. Thirty fucking dollars for two hours of his nasty ass cheapskate buddies groping my ass.

“Hey. Do you happen to know who has my keys?”

“I’ve got’em.”

“Great.” I hold my palm out.

“Heard you and Crystal got into a situation.”

Ugh. Of course he knows. He always seems to know every move we make. He reminds of a goon in an old mafia movie.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Can I just have my keys? Please.”

“You two hadn’t gone behind my back she might not be out of a job.”

“I really don’t have time for this right now. I’m running late. I really need my keys.”

He flips the toothpick he’s biting on between his teeth. “Missed out on my cut too.”

“I don’t know what Crystal told you or what you think you know, but I wasn’t on a hustle last night. I met up with an old friend.” It’s not a complete lie. I didn’t get any money out of it, and I know one of the bikers.

“You fuck all your friends?” he grabs his crotch. “Thought we were friends too.”

Oh no. Not again. This time though I don’t have a lamp or any form of protection against the asshole. I think I’m going to vomit. The thought of his tiny dick coming anywhere near me is disgusting. I know he’s got a small one. Crystal told me they messed around once when she was drunk and pissed off at Bruno. I shudder at the mental image my brain is conjuring up right now.

“Tony,” Lefty’s voice booms down the corridor. “Why aren’t you on the floor?”

“Just giving Hazel her keys.” He reaches into his pocket to fish them out.

“Hurry up. I don’t pay you to dick around behind my back with the girls.”

“You got it, boss.” Tony drops my keys in my hand and gives me a look that says this conversation isn’t over.

“There’s my girl.” Lefty moves around Dirty Tony as he stomps off.

“Hey, Lefty.”

He puts one of his bulging arms around me, smelling of cheap cologne and stinky pussy. Some of the girls fuck around with him hoping for extra tips and more hours. Makes me sick. I don’t know how I’ve lasted this long without him trying something on me. I’m just grateful that he hasn’t. “Heard about Crystal. Know you girls are tight.”

“Yeah. Bruno’s a real dick.”

He flashes a gold tooth at me. Guy is a total sleaze who wears cheap suits. Stocky built like a freaking linebacker. He styles his black hair slicked back and keeps his face clean shaven. “You know with her gone, cher, I’m going to need you more than ever.” He strokes my cheek and I want to gag. What is it with men today? Do they all think women are helpless creatures waiting for any man to give them attention and dick?

“Yeah. Sure.” I smile faintly as bile bubbles in the pit of my stomach.

“Don’t tell the others but you’ve always been my favorite. You know if Tony is bothering you, I’ll take care of it. Just say the word. I take care of my girls. Especially my favorites.”

“I know you do. I’m good. Tony’s only being Tony. Was asking if I knew how Crystal is doing.” I want this nightmare to end.

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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