Taken By The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 6) - Page 25

“If you knew what she’s gone through.”

“And now you’re making excuses for her.”

“When you hear what she has to say—”

I cut him off. “No. I don’t owe her anything. Why? Why would I want to meet her?”

“Because she’s your mother.”

“No. She gave birth to me, but this Lily, whoever she is...” I shake my head. “She’s not my mother.”


“Don’t have time to argue on this with you.”

“It’s not up for debate.” I can’t believe he’s being like this. Taking the side of a strange woman over mine. He knows how fucked our childhoods were. There’s no excuse. No reason in this world that will make me feel bad for her. She gave me up. Well too bad too sad for her.

“Agreed. Let’s get you a bag packed. Need to get back to Royal Road to get my bike so we can head home to West Virginia.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you. I don’t even know you anymore.”

“Cute that you think you have a choice.” He reaches inside his leather vest and brings out chains and a leather collar.

“What’s that for?”

“Claiming you, Hazel. Putting you under my protection. But making sure your ass can’t get far should you try to run.”

“So, what, you’re just going to kidnap me?”

“Call it what you want to.”

“What the hell do you mean putting your claim in on me?”

“Means you’re my Old Lady. Means anyone who touches you answers to me. You belong to me.”

“I’m not your anything, Beni.”

“You’ll be whatever the fuck I want you to be. Always been mine, Hazel. Always,” he growls.

His fingers stroke my throat tender and with care as he wraps the leather choker around the slender column.

“Beautiful,” he mutters and kisses my skin behind my ear.

I swallow hard and close my eyes hoping he doesn’t notice the shiver that swept through me at his touch or the chill bumps that are now racing up and down my arms. I’m pissed off and turned on. I don’t know if I want to knee him in the balls or go down on my knees to suck him off.

He tugs on the choker or collar whatever it is. I hear a snap and open my eyes.

He yanks on the chain, wrapping it around his fist until we are nose to nose. His mouth is conveniently close to mine. Full of broken promises and lies.

“I know you aren’t happy with me. Know I let you down, babe, but I’m here now.”

“Fuck you. I’m not an animal. I’m not your property. You can’t just put your collar on me and think I’m your possession. Your Old Lady.”

“I live in a different world than you’re used to. I get it. You need time, but you’ll see. This. You. Me. It was meant to be.”

“I’ll never be a biker’s whore.” I don’t know why I do it, just that I do. I gather spit in my mouth and let it go right in his face.

First his eye twitches and then his mouth tightens. Using the hem of my shirt he wipes his face. “Tried this the nice way. Fuck it. You’ll go with the clothes on your back and nothing more.”

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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