Taken By The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 6) - Page 29

My apology gets me nowhere. The handcuff slaps around my wrist and the other connects to the wrought iron headboard.

“You want the light off or on?” He gets up to leave.



“I won’t give you any more trouble.” I try giving him a taste of sweet.

“Highly doubt that. Get some sleep. I’ll be back.”

“You’re going to her?”

“Don’t see where that’s any of your business.” He flicks the light off and closes the door behind him.

I kick my legs and flop from side to side. If I weren’t afraid of what’s on the pillow, I’d hold it to my face and scream. Damn him.

Chapter Twelve

It kills me to walk away from Hazel, but she’s got me all twisted up in knots inside. Bitch is driving me crazy. Shoulda spanked her ass the moment she pulled that shit by spitting at me, but I was afraid I’d get too damn carried away. I’d never hurt her but fuck she gets under my skin in a way no one else can. I need a fucking joint. With my wild ass woman secure, I head back downstairs to the bar for a shot of something that will knock my ass out because there is no way I’m getting a second of sleep next to Hazel tonight without help.

I seek out Memphis and find her in Dimple’s lap. Bastard wears more rhinestones than a prom queen.

“You definitely look like you could use this.” She flashes a smile and pulls a joint out of her tits.

“Appreciate it, darlin’.”

“Anytime.” She goes back to entertaining Dimple; bitch probably has to pluck rhinestones out of her snatch after fucking the fat bastard.

The prospect behind the bar pours me a shot and I send him off to get Hazel something to snack on in case she’s still awake and hungry when I head back to the room. Shouldn’t give her shit after how she’s behaved. The love I have for her won’t allow me to ignore the fact she said she’s hungry. Should feed her my dick down her throat. Bet she’d love that.

He comes back with a package of white powdered donuts and a can of Coke. It’ll have to do. I’ll get her breakfast on our way out of town in the morning. I down another shot and return to the room. Hazel is still awake when I flip on the lamp.

“Still hungry?” I toss the donuts and pop onto the bed.


“Don’t mention it.” I fire up the joint I got from Memphis a

nd take a hard drag. “Want a hit?” I offer it to her, and she takes me up on it.

Guess she needs it as much as I do. Been one hell of a day. I kick off my boots and hang my cut off the back of the chair. Hazel passes the joint to me, and I crawl over her to the right side of the bed. I cross my ankles and lean back on the headboard. We take turns taking hits not saying shit. Only winding down.

Having had my fill and cutting Hazel off I put the joint out in the ashtray on the nearby table. She digs into the donuts and gulps down half the can of Coke.

I watch her licking the powdered sugar off her fingers. Bitch knows what she’s doing. Being all sensual caressing the tips with her tongue like she would my dick if she were to suck it. Leaning up, I yank my tee over my head to get comfortable. I take the can of Coke and leftover donuts from Hazel to get them out the way so we can sleep.

“You still mad at me?”

“Owe you a spanking.”

“You wouldn’t.”

“Yeah, I sure as fuck will but don’t have my favorite paddle with me.”

She gapes at me. “You have a paddle?”

“Among other things.” My dick twitches in my pants at the thought of spanking her.

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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