Taken By The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 6) - Page 34

“Missed this,” he mutters. “Needed it,” he says, and I fall asleep with a smile on my face for the first time in what might be forever.

I don’t dream any dreams because right now I’m living in one. I’m in Beni’s arms and nothing has ever felt righter than this, than us. For tonight I let go. Everything I’ve ever wanted is within my grasp, all I have to do is reach out and hold on. His rugged and manly scent wraps around me. A sensation I haven’t experienced in so long fills me.

Unconditional love.

Chapter Fourteen

I’ve never felt freer than I do right now with Hazel’s arms around me. The cold air nipping my face as I ride. I wish it didn’t have to end. That I could keep riding. Keep chasing this freedom that exists only on the open road.

Nothing like it. If today was about anyone else I’d consider blowing them off, but Prez has waited far too long for today. I don’t want to share Hazel with anyone. Not her family. Not the club. Just got her back and I’m never letting her go. I pull up to the clubhouse and cut the engine.

I climb off and Hazel has a deer caught in the headlights expression on her face as she gets off as well.

“We’re here. Time to do this.”

My woman looks ready to vomit all over the parking lot. Her face has lost all coloring and gone completely pale. Not good, but there’s no time to deal with her reservations.

“I’m not ready to meet her. I’m sorry. I know you have a loyalty to your club, but she didn’t want me.”

“I gotta get in there. Can we discuss it later?” The moment the words leave my lips I know I sound like an unsympathetic ass.

“Look at me. I’m not dressed for a wedding.” She runs a hand over her worn jeans and faded tee. Her long, sun kissed hair is wild from the ride, streaked with blonde highlights and tangled, but she looks damn sexy.

“Trust me. No one in there will care what you’re wearing. All they care about is that you’re here. That’s it.”

“Holy?” I turn at the sound of Joanie.

Fuck. Forgot I invited her. “Now isn’t a good time.”

“I...” her bottom lip trembles.

Shit. I’ve really stuck my foot in it this time. Knee deep in it.

“Nothing too serious,” Hazel notes. “Meeting your girlfriend on technically our first date is bad form. No way to impress a girl. Especially one you’re trying to fuck.”

“Not what you think. And you know I want more than to fuck you.” She loves pressing my damn buttons. My palm twitches to spank her here and now. Our audience be damned.

Joanie, dressed to the fucking nines in a black strapless dress that probably costs more than my rent stares at Hazel wide eyed, and her hand moves to her throat. “You collared her,” she whispers with a mascara-stained tear rolling down her cheek.

Fucking hell. “I don’t want to be a dick, but yeah. Joanie, this is Hazel. Hazel. Joanie.”

“Oh my god. Oh my god. You said the only woman you’d ever...that she’d be the woman you marry. I thought you told me that because there was something between us. That I. That you.” She shakes her head. “You didn’t care about me at all.”

“Wasn’t that serious. Didn’t mean to give you the impression there was anything more than sex. Hate that it bothers you on that level, but yeah you should know Hazel means everything to me. I think its best that you go.”

“Actually, Joanie, was it? You should stay. Holy needs a date and this is the last place I want to be. You want his collar? Fucking take it. I don’t think I want it. Besides, it matches your dress.” Hazel jerks the leather choker from her throat and flings it at Joanie. The leather strip lands at her feet.

I pick it up as Hazel stomps toward the gate intent on doing what she does best—running.

“Holy? You can’t really want her over me?”

“Why are you still here? Get the fuck gone.”

I charge after Hazel, hooking her around the waist as Slick joins the fucking party.

I ignore him and catch shot of Joanie climbing in her car to leave. Smart move on her part. “Put the fucking collar on and stop acting like a god damn brat. You’re not really mad at me. Mad at yourself. Mad at your mother, but not me,” I growl in her ear as I wrap it back around her throat and connect the chain to it.

Slick gives me a hard look but heads inside.

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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