Taken By The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 6) - Page 38

I take my plate back to the table while he talks shit with some of his brothers.

I don’t mind being left on my own. It’s interesting to see him here in his element. To watch him with the men he refers to his brothers. He has a family here.

He has a life built here. One that never included me in his plans.

Can we make this work?

Will they accept me in his life?

A lot of expectant eyes are on us both. I’m sure they are all curious about me and why Holy and I are inseparable. Especially if up until this week he was seeing that Joanie bitch. He says that she meant nothing to him, but I saw him wince the moment he saw her.

You don’t react that way to someone who means nothing to you but casual sex. Not in my experience. A few females glance my way, and my resting bitch face seems to be doing the trick to keep them away. I’m sure they are nice enough, but I can’t help but wonder if Holy has fucked them too. I don’t know my place here. I shouldn’t be jealous and yet I am.

The thought of any woman being with him who isn’t me makes me want to throw-up.

I eat the pasta but skip the chicken. The chair next to me slides out. Viking. The biker who was with him at the motel folds himself into the seat. Shit.

“Don’t know what your deal is or what kind of spell you put on my brother, but I don’t like you. Definitely don’t like your cunt friend who rolled my ass.”

“I understand. I’m sorry for that. Truly. You don’t know me. Holy does. I’m guessing he hasn’t told you that we grew up together.”

His brows drawn inward. “First I’m hearing of it.” I think it’s sweet that he cares about him. Viking comes off all hard a

nd rugged in appearance with his broad shoulders and menacing tattoos, but I bet deep down he’s a softy.

“He was my first love. I’d never do anything to hurt him. You can believe that or not. You don’t like me. That’s fair and I don’t care. I can get your money back. Tell me how much she took.”

“Not about the money for me. Bitch drugged me. My body is a temple. I might smoke weed, but I don’t do anything else. Don’t appreciate my mind being fucked with.”

“I’m not sure what you want me to say here.”

“Want you to know that if you fuck with my boy Prez’s niece or not you’ll have me to contend with. That’s all I came over here to say. Don’t fuck him over and we won’t have any problems.”



“You should know that what I feel for Beni, Holy as you know him. It’s not something that will ever go away for either of us. I’ve always loved him. We’ve just reconnected. I don’t know what the future holds. I only know I want him in it.”

“We’re on the same page then.”

He shoots me a smile that lets me know that although he doesn’t particularly like me, he’s not going to be a problem.

“Everything good over here?” Holy comes at the end of our conversation.

“We’re straight. I am kind of tired though. Where am I sleeping?”

Viking does some stupid hand slap thing with Holy then bounces.

“Got a room here or we can go to my place for more privacy.”

“Can we go to your place?”

“Yeah. Whatever you want. Did Viking say something to you?”

“No. He’s just looking out for you.”

“What’d he say?”

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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