Taken By The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 6) - Page 50

“I’ll wait.”

“If I leave the keys in you aren’t going to drive through the gate, are you?”

She laughs and her smile is infectious. “No. I promise to behave. Cross my heart. Stick a needle in my eye.” Her hands move, acting out the old rhyme.


She leans across the center console, and I kiss her briefly. “I’ll be back.”

“Hurry it up. I’m starving.”

“All right. I’ll do my best, but if ya change your mind come on in. I’m sure there?

??s coffee.”

I head inside and look for Prez, hoping to catch him before him and Alexa leave for his honeymoon. I don’t think he’ll oppose to my taking Hazel to get her shit, but I still need to clear my travel plans with him after taking off last week unannounced. I’ve been so caught up in finding Hazel I don’t know what’s going on this week.

Remnants from the wedding reception are still evident in the bar. Sandman is passed out on a pool table with some big titted blonde. Banks and Danika are on one of the couches.

I see Viking behind the bar. “Is Prez around?”

“Might check his office. I got your crazy bitch home by the way. Did you know she’s fucking married?”

“I did not. Really dodged a bullet with that one.”

“Her husband pulled a gun on me when I walked her to her damn door.”

“Fucking hell.”

“So that was fun.”

“I’m sorry, man.”

“Why didn’t you say shit about your past with Hazel? Friends share shit like that.” He gives me the evil eye.

“You mad about it?”

He shrugs. “Just thought it would have come up in conversation considering I helped your ass find her and had to rush my ass back here. Lot of shit went down. Could have used you having my back.”

“Noted. Viking lost his dick and sprouted a pussy.”

“Fuck you.”

“Need to hug it out? Come on. Bring it in.” I hold my arms out.

He shakes his head. “If I see Prez I’ll tell him you need a word.”

“Might want to ask if he can get you a tampon while you’re at it.”

“Get the hell outta here.”

I chuckle. “I hear Midol is good for when your pussy cramps.” I go to Prez’s office before Viking kicks my ass but he’s not around. I try his cell, but it goes straight to voice mail. Fuck it. I leave a note on his desk. Hell, we’ll probably be back before he notices I’m gone. He has more important shit to deal with like enjoying his wife.

When I come out of Prez’s office, Banks is rolling Danika off him.

I stop long enough to tell him I’m taking a trip with Hazel to let Prez know I’ll be back as soon as possible.

“The fuck you doing, man? Running off to get hitched?”

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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