Taken By The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 6) - Page 57

“Well, that makes two of us.”

“I don’t want to fight with you.”

“Well, I don’t want to fight with you. When you coming to get your stuff, I want to see you before you run off with some biker.”

“He’s not just some biker, but I’ll explain later. I gotta go.”

My good mood deflates with her soured reaction, but I don’t care what she thinks. This is right. Everything that has happened in my life has led me to today. To him.

Chapter Twenty-one

“You good? Conversation sounded a little tense.”

“It was. I was talking to Crystal. She’s being difficult. Nothing new.”

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you got shit taste in friends.”

“Yeah, about that. I kind of need to get up with Jackson to give him back his keys when we get to Nashville. I sort of took off with them.”

“We can do that, but we aren’t sticking around long. Want to get you packed up and home with me where you belong ASAP.”


“Damn straight. Let’s get ready for bed.”

I lay my phone on the nightstand and he pulls me to my feet. We stand side by side at the bathroom sink and brush our teeth, unable to stop staring at each other and smiling like goofy idiots.

I spit and rinse. “Do you think we’ll always be this happy?”

“No, but I’ll damn sure try to give it to you. We got a lot of shit to do when we get back. Figured tomorrow we’ll get a car trailer from a rental place. Load down your car with whatever you want to take. We’ll pull it behind us. When we get back home, we’ll get your stuff situated and see what we need to replace after my shit was ruined. Fresh start.”

“Sounds like a plan.” I snatch my dirty panties and bra off the floor and wash them in the bathroom sink with dish liquid, hanging them over the edge of the tub to dry.

My hubby has stripped down and turned down the bed. I shed the robe and slide in next to him, assuming the position he prefers me in.

“Would you mind terribly if Crystal stops by to see me for a minute while we pack?”

“Not my idea of a good time but if it means I won’t have to see her again then that’s cool with me. Bitch better stay away from my pockets and my wallet though.”

“It’s okay I don’t have to call her.”

“Does it mean something to you to see her?”

“Kind of. She’s basically my only friend.”

“Then you should. But, babe, you’re getting new friends.” I roll my eyes at that.

“So bossy,” I mutter.

“Don’t act like you don’t enjoy it.”

He kisses my forehead, and I fall asleep snuggled in his arms.


After a quick breakfast and picking up a trailer we’ve made it to my apartment. I mainly only want to bring my clothes and toiletries. I don’t have much as far as personal effects. Growing up I traveled with a trash bag. I learned early on not to get attached to material possessions. In foster care people would steal anything worth much or take things away as a form of punishment.

Beni made me go to the office with him so he could pay off the remainder of my lease. I didn’t want him to pay, but he said since we’re married, he doesn’t want it to mess up his credit in the long run. It makes sense. I can’t believe I’m a married woman and worrying over things like a new couch and a credit score. Just a few days ago I was a stripper hoping I could afford to make it through the next month.

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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