Taken By The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 6) - Page 62

Hazel is getting dressed while Crystal scrubs the floor as good as she can. Hazel gives her a change of clothes and we stuff her bloody ones into a trash bag to dispose of later.

I put in a call to Slick. Hazel can be mad at me for it later, but she needs this. “Got a situation. Soon as I can get her there. Lily needs to be ready.”

“What the fuck does that mean?”

“Exactly what you think it means. I can’t talk now. I gotta take out the trash.” I end the call before he can jump my ass. I finish loading Hazel’s car and get the trailer hitched. We aren’t coming back. The three of us along with the dead body in the back of my vehicle roll out to the only place I know to go to. Delbert’s pig farm in Franklin.

Rain pelts against the windshield as I drive the speed limit hoping we don’t draw any attention to ourselves.

The temperature has warmed enough to stop the snow. Nothing about this situation is ideal.

Crystal is getting anxious and Hazel I’m certain is in shock. She hasn’t uttered more than three words since I strapped her into the passenger seat. I want to comfort her, except right now I’m doing the best by her I can by cleaning up Crystal’s fucking mess. Delbert isn’t a good man, but he’s efficient and discreet. He’ll take the drugs and dispose of the body no questions asked.

I pull up to the back gate and roll my window down enough to give the signal.

The gate opens and I drive down the old dirt road to the barn to unload.

Its growing dark out and with the rain the ground is slick and muddy. I get out and hand the payment off to Delbert. He does a taste test with his pocketknife and gives me a chin lift. I open the back passenger door where Crystal sits. “Time to unload.”

“Okay.” She nearly slips when her feet touch the ground, but I catch her at the elbow.

Bitch helps me with the body, leaving it in the designated stall. The distinct smell of pig shit nearly takes my damn breath away. I grab the bag of Crystal’s soiled clothes and drop them next to the body.

“Look at him,” I order her, grabbing her by the back of the neck.

“No.” She shakes her head. I release her. Crystal retches and bends hands to her knees as she doubles over.

I aim my 9 mil at the base of her skull. “You’re a loose end.”

“Please. I won’t tell. I swear. I’ll do whatever you want. I just want to go home to my son,” she sobs and clutches at her chest. ‘I think I’m having a heart attack.”

“It’s a fucking panic attack. Breathe in through your nose and out your mouth.”

“Don’t kill me. I have a kid.”

“I grew up without a mother. So did Hazel. Look how we turned out. Was happy till you and that scum you call a man fucked everything. Was on our god damn honeymoon. Hazel who has never asked for much from anyone.” My finger twitches on the trigger. “You set her up.”

“Bruno made me. I didn’t have a choice.”

“There’s always a fucking choice. You chose wrong.”

My woman steps up next to me, placing her shaking hand over my weapon. “We’ve had enough violence for one day.”

I’d do anything for Hazel. Anything, but I don’t want to give her this.

“You’re a shit person, Crystal. Shit mother for subjecting your son to that lousy motherfucker. Bet he hit your boy too.” I shake my head.

“I’m a good mom,” she whispers, twisting to face me. I keep the barrel of my weapon pressed to her forehead. Her dead gaze meets mine, and I wonder if the bitch has a soul.

“Are you though?”

“Holy,” Hazel cuts in. “It’s not lost on me what she’s done or who she is. I don’t expect you to understand my reasons or hers. Maybe she’s not been a good friend to me, but she’s been there for me when I had no one. Not even you. Her choices were misguided, but she doesn’t deserve to die. She’s free now. Let her go.”

I close my eyes and let out a breath.

The bitch deserves to die.

Letting her walk out of here goes against everything I stand for. Goes against the code of my club.

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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