Taken By The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 6) - Page 73

Viking’s fighting pit doesn’t seem to be open tonight. I look around for Andi, but I don’t see her. I do however see my birth mother sitting with all the Ol’ Ladies. I know what I need to do.

I turn to my man and gaze into his eyes with all seriousness. “You win,” I tell him.

He zaps me and I jerk.

“Stop it.”

He grabs my face and kisses me something fierce for all to see. I melt into him and savor every second of his warm, wet tongue dominating my senses. Holy clutches me to him, and I know without a doubt I go through every layer of Hell that’s ever been thrown my way a million times over if I got him in the end every time.

“‘Bout time you let her out,” a guy named Hound slaps him on the back. “Pleasure to officially meet you, darlin’.”


We make our rounds at the party. I’m introduced to so many people. Sandman, Nav, Link, Crawl, Smoke, Prodigy, and Easton I already know. My uncle, Murder, tucks me into his side. “Welcome home, Hazel. You ever need anything, all you gotta do is call. Holy steps out of line...” he eyes my diamond collar. I can tell it makes the big man uncomfortable, but I’m not ashamed that my man wants everyone to know I belong to him in every way imaginable.

“Thank you. I don’t want you to worry. He’s good to me.”

“He’s a good brother, but you’re my niece. Comes with the territory, yeah?”

“Right.” I purse my lips not wanting to argue with him. He’s kind of scary. Like a big burly black bear.

“Go on over to your mother and the Ol’ Ladies, got club business to discuss with your Ol’ Man.”

I don’t hesitate to give them their privacy. I’ve learned over the past couple of months that club business is club business and not to take offense to not being included in it. I grab a beer from one of the ice filled tubs and approach the picnic table where Lily sits. I slide into the empty spot next to her.

The last thing I want is for this to be awkward. “Ya’ll know Hazel, my daughter.” She beams with the biggest smile and tears prick in the corners of my eyes.

I do what I set out to and pray my husband forgets about his toy. “You and Slick want to come over for dinner? Say Sunday?”

“I’d really love that.” She sniffs and wipes at her eyes.

I hurry to slug back a drink, to hide how overcome I am with emotions.

“Damn, girl,” Pam leans across the table and flicks the D ring of my diamond collar. “That musta’ cost a pretty penny. You got a matching plug for your ass?”

I nearly spit my beer in her face.

“Jesus, sister, you have no damn manners,” Jules swats her on the ass.

Alexa and her daughter Wylla Mae bust out laughing. Lily shakes her head.

“What? I’m pregnant and moody like the rest of you bitches except for Lily. Let me have my fun and live through Hazel here. From what I hear her man likes it kink. As in kinky. Whips and chains.” She smirks. “Lots of toys.”

And as if right on cue my man takes full advantage and hits me with the vibrator on high. I grip the edge of the table and bite my lip.

Pam stares at me, and I hear him laughing from behind me somewhere, but I can’t move. An orgasm rolls through me, and I know everyone sitting at this table knows.

“Shit,” she mutters.

I swallow hard as my cheeks flame red. He’s dead. I’m never having sex with him ever again.

“Um...” I hide behind another hard pull of my beer.

“This is exactly the kind of fun we need around here,” Alexa says with tears streaming, she’s laughing so hard.

“Glad to be of amusement,” I mutter, mentally vowing to rip off my man’s balls.

His hands grip my shoulders. “Figured you could use a little pleasure before pain. Roane has his tent set up over there. You ready to get my ink?”

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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