Taken By The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 6) - Page 75

All I can do is nod.


I’m cuffed to the bed spread eagle. I can’t protest. I don’t want to. My body belongs to my husband. He starts with feather light touches, caressing my skin with the tasseled end of his leather whip. I’m stretched to the limit, muscles on the verge of burning, but every time I think it’s too much, he shifts my focus elsewhere. Strumming, stroking, teasing my skin in the most sinful manner with his lips and tongue.

His tongue slides up neck, soft yet torturous. He touches me everywhere but where I crave him the most between my thighs. I’m soaked for him. Desperate for his fingers, tongue, or cock to touch me there.

“You ready to beg yet?” he taunts, kissing the corner of my mouth.

I glare at him. In response he gloats with a shit eating grin. The whip slaps across my clit, and I moan. The word please hangs on the tip of my tongue, but I hold strong. I’m stubborn when I want to be.

He pinches my nipples rough enough that the sensation balances on the verge between pleasure and pain. Every day he pushes my limits, and I set the bar higher, forcing him to get more creative in his endeavors.

Moving to torture me elsewhere, he kisses my inner thighs, closer and closer to my pussy with every peck.

I bite my lip determined not to give in and beg but its damn hard. My pussy drips and pulses with need. His hand curves to my hip, his facial hair scraping along my sensitive skin. I know I want him to fuck me. He knows he wants to fuck me, and yet we play this game. He drives me to the edge of the cliff and back again over and over until neither of us can take any more.


“Jesus, Honey Bee,” Holy mutters admiring mine and Jules’ handiwork.

Life is moving fast but not too fast. All the other Ol’ Ladies are getting new nurseries but me? I got my own red room of sin den in our new house. We bought Alexa’s house at a steal. Murder had one condition. That we keep her ugly ass couch. I put on the performance of my life pretending to love the hideous thing, but I confess it’s starting to grow on me.

“You like.” I showcase the sex swing we’ve both been eager to try like I’m Vanna freaking White on Wheel of Fortune. Holding my arms out and smiling. “That’s not all. Watch this.” I strut across the room in only a pair of black heels and my diamond collar to show him the false wall that opens to reveal a closet holding all his favorite toys.

Holy stares at me, his pupils dilating with pure and raw lust.

I greedily drop to my knees like a good girl.

His fingers caress my jaw then slip away as he strolls to the wall where his paddles hang.


“Lo.” I pick up on the second ring to an unknown caller.

“That last loose end has been dealt with.”

The line goes dead, and I light up a cigarette. Crystal’s cunt ass. Got word she’d been arrested for selling and lost her kid. Couldn’t afford for her to throw Hazel and me under the bus to make a deal to save her own skin. I don’t care how she was taken out, only that she was. Last I heard about Max he died from sepsis. Guess when Hazel fired them rounds, she clipped his ass too.

I hope he’s rotting in hell with his pig shit brother.

I don’t tell Hazel about Crystal. Less she has to think about that time in her life the better.

I place a call to Murder. “It’s done.”

“Thank fuck.”

“Yeah, the other was a false alarm. You don’t need to hurry back. Enjoy the rest of your vacation. I’ll fill Lily in tomorrow.”

“If that’s it I got a pregnant woman crying because she wants a peanut butter and strawberry banana smoothie.”

“Shit. Best get to it then.”

“Ya fucking think?” He chuckles.

I put out my cigarette and take a long pull off my beer and watch Hazel giggling with Andi at the bar. No doubt they are talking about Viking. Those two need to get it over with and fuck, except she’s engaged to another man. Still though we all know they want to bang.

Some years later

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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