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Wicked and Forever (Wicked & Devoted 6)

Page 61

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Laila shook the question away. He was merely making small talk, so she nodded and smiled. “I would enjoy that. Where did you live before here? What was your family like?”

He paused, looking reluctant. It was odd that she knew Trees’s capabilities, habits, and predilections but nothing about his past.

“I’m from West Virginia. Grew up dirt poor. A coal miner’s kid, the oldest of eight. I’m not close to my family.”


“We…drifted apart, I guess. My parents were always working to make ends meet and raise my siblings. Not much else to say.” He shrugged. “I left when I joined the service at eighteen. That’s where I met Zy. We went through some really hairy shit together, both on US soil and overseas. I eventually got out, heard about this private security firm in Lafayette that needed a tech guy, made a few calls…and here I am.”

She got the feeling the story was more complicated, but that was another conversation for another day. While they’d been talking, he’d heated up the gumbo in a saucepan and poured it in a bowl, then shaken some chips from a bag onto a side plate. He brought the food to her, along with a spoon, followed by a napkin and another bottle of water.

As the soup steamed, he tossed together a sandwich. “Eat up, little one. Want some roast beef, too?”

“No, thank you.” She dipped her spoon in the dark reddish broth and tried a bite full of chicken, rice, and tang. Flavor burst on her tongue. It was spicy, but different than the foods she’d grown up with.

“You like it?”

“Very much.”

He carried his sandwich to the table and sat beside her, then he dragged her chair closer. As she yelped, he lifted her onto his lap and maneuvered her food in front of her.

“What are you doing?” She turned to him in confusion.

Trees wrapped his arms around her and pressed a kiss to her bared shoulder. “Holding you and keeping you warm. Eat up.”

Laila didn’t protest, just dug into her food, wrapped in his warmth and their oddly comfortable silence. Soon, he’d consumed his whole sandwich, along with an orange he grabbed off the nearby counter. She had barely managed half her soup and a few bites of chips before she felt full.

When she pushed her bowl away, he cradled her closer. “Full?”

His voice rumbled in her ear, and she settled her head against him, eyes drifting shut in contentment. “Yes.”

“Good.” He stood, lifting her with him, then headed for his bedroom.

She froze. “Are you returning me to the dungeon?”

“No. I’m taking care of you tonight. No man ever has. I’d like to be the first.”

He was going to make her cry again. Every time she thought he couldn’t make her love him more, he did. “What about the dishes?”

“I’ll do them later. And don’t you dare try that BS of bartering for your food.”

Without meaning to, her refusal to owe him had insulted him. Since Laila couldn’t take it back, she merely shook her head. “Not a word. Thank you.”

Trees carried her into the master bathroom and set her on her feet. “You’re welcome.”

Then he took her face in his hands and kissed her softly, removing the blanket from around her shoulders and tossing it out the door and across his massive bed. She stood naked, still aware of her cheeks heating, her nipples pebbling, her sex throbbing as Trees consumed her visually. “What are you doing?”

“Taking care of what’s mine, Laila.” Then he turned on the faucet in the enormous shower and shed his clothes one garment at a time, his eyes never leaving hers, until he wore absolutely nothing but a smile.

Blinking, she drank in his shoulders that were nearly as wide as the doorframe, tapering down to his ridged middle, narrow hips, and strong, tree-trunk legs. The thick stalk of his cock in between stood tall, almost imposing. He was a big man, so it was no surprise he was large everywhere. But he still took her breath away.

“Trees…” She wrapped her fingers around his erection.

He shook his head as he took her wrist and lifted her hand away. “No, I’m taking care of you. Step in.”

Steam rose from the giant enclosure as he opened the door. She filed in. For a reason she didn’t understand, her obedience made him happy. Knowing she had pleased him made her happy in return.

He cupped her shoulders and settled her under the warm spray. As she tipped her head back, water splashed over her face and sluiced down her body. Her chill receded. A moan slipped from her throat.

Trees leaned in and settled his mouth over hers in a slow slide of a kiss that seemed to last forever. He was in no rush, made no demand for her to take him deeper. Instead, he seemed content simply to be near her, to breathe her in, to share this tick of the clock with her.

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