The Prophet (The Cloister Trilogy 2) - Page 49

Covered in sweat, we lie together, our heartbeats slowly settling down.

She says something, but her voice is too muffled for me to hear. I pull her up so her head rests in the crook of my neck.

“What, little lamb?”

“He’s coming for me on Wednesday. Less than a week. Is there a plan?”

“There is.” I stroke the strands of hair from her damp forehead and whisper in her ear. “Tuesday night at the Temple. Don’t drink the wine. Don’t eat the fruit.”

She nods. “Anything else?”

“Nothing you need to know. Just be ready.”

“Okay.” She relaxes on top of me, her body molding to mine with each passing moment. I wish I could stay, could hold her as she falls asleep. But that’s not possible, not here.

Snuggling even closer, she kisses my neck. “It’s not coincidence. You and me. We’re not…” She sighs against my ear, an angel’s breath warming her demon. “We’d be like this even if we weren’t here. I’d be yours no matter where we were.”

I kiss her forehead and let the emotion that I don’t dare name flow between us. It’s the one tie that no power on heaven or earth can sever, but it’s so fragile in this place that speaking it aloud will surely destroy it.

Chapter 23


“Delilah, you’re with Miriam this morning.” Grace grabs me from the line of Maidens headed to training.

Eve shoots me a concerned look, but continues walking as Grace pulls me past the training room and toward the wing of the Cloister where the Spinners live. I’ve rarely been over this way, the most memorable time being when Grace took me to her office and broke my finger.

“Best behavior.” Venom infuses her words. “I don’t want some stupid bitch like you making me look bad to Miriam.”

“You don’t need my help to do that.” It was supposed to be just a thought. It wasn’t.

She halts and shoves me against the wall. “Maybe you think you’ve got Adam fooled so you’re untouchable. Is that it? I guarantee you that’s not the case. The Cloister is mine. I will do whatever I have to do to keep all you cunts in line.”

I don’t push back. I’ve already done enough.

“One more word from you, and I’ll break all your fingers and scar your face.”

I swallow, my mouth going dry.

“Don’t think I’ll do it? Just ask that dyke Chastity.” She backs off and shoves me down the hall.

I walk ahead of her, my thoughts roiling. I’d often wondered about the scar on Chastity’s forehead but assumed it was from some accident. Did Grace put it there out of spite?

“Stop.” She points to a closed door. “Here.”

I open it to find Miriam seated at a long conference table with cushy leather chairs. A white binder sits in front of her, and an uncharacteristically sour look mars her face. “You’re late.”

“Apologies. We were just—”

“I don’t need your excuses. You—” She points at me. “Sit down. You—” She flicks her wrist at Grace. “Get out.”

Grace bristles, but doesn’t bite. She closes the door as I take a chair across from Miriam. Wearing a high-necked forest-green dress, she appears to be following the Prophet’s strict new edict on women’s appearance.

I fold my hands in my lap and drop my gaze, doing my best to look like the obedient Maiden she expects.

“Cut that shit out. You’re giving me the creeps.” She flips open her binder, and I look up as she pages through several sheets of paper. “We’re here to discuss your placement with Senator Roberts. You’ll skip training for the rest of the week. The Prophet asked the senator to tell us if he has any preferences for you—as in if he wants you silent, or trained in the whip, or delivered with a butt plug, or what—but he didn’t specify anything. Just wants you as you are.” She gives me an appraising glance. “Though I don’t know why. Anyway, that’s not an entirely bad thing, since it’ll give us more time to talk through what’s expected of you as a senator’s wife, but first and foremost, as one of the Prophet’s chosen.”

I shift in my seat. The way she speaks makes the idea of being Evan’s wife a little too real. Queasy, I take a deep breath and try to calm myself.

She looks at her French tips, far more interested in them than me. “The Prophet asked me here as a special favor. I don’t like being away from Montgomery too long—and this is something you need to learn too—because when I’m away from the governor for more than a day or two, his interest in me can wane. That’s unacceptable. Your training is intended to make sure you’re always what your husband wants, always open to try what he suggests. By making yourself invaluable in the bedroom, you solidify your place next to your husband. Understand?”

Tags: Celia Aaron The Cloister Trilogy Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024