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Mistress to a Monster

Page 47

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Damon made his way into his nightclub, Toxic. Anger filled him after being interrupted as he was about to take care of step two of his plan. Milah had been willing, waiting for his cock. He intended to fuck her raw, to fill her full of his cum and hope she got pregnant.

She’d been so responsive.

He’d never bedded a virgin before, so this was a first for him. James’s interruption had pissed him off, but he needed to be notified of any attack. Especially one that had also taken civilian casualties.

His men within the law enforcement had brought him up to speed on the details. Three of his nightclubs had been attacked. Toxic, he was currently in, as well as two others, Wicked and Burn. Raoul waited for him.

Milah followed close behind him. He’d been tempted to leave her back at the house, but with a traitor in his midst, he wanted her close. Russo wasn’t going to get a chance to get near his daughter. Not on his watch.

“Where is it?” Damon asked.

Raoul looked toward Milah. She stood with James by her side as she looked around the office. He liked large spaces. It was one of the many reasons his nightclubs thrived. People loved the space, the freedom to go crazy.

“Would you like her removed?” Raoul asked.

“She is mine. Show me the footage.” He snapped his fingers, bored with having to ask a second time.

Raoul placed the laptop he’d been carrying under his arm. The cops were not aware of the tight security he kept. They were only privy to the most basic of cameras he let them know about. De Luca wasn’t a fool. The best way to stay in control was to be one step ahead of the game, and that was making sure his enemies didn’t have a place to run.

With cameras everywhere, they couldn’t hope to take them all out without being seen first.

Staring at the screen, he watched the multitude of live feeds. Raoul pressed some keys, wiping out several of the cameras and bringing into focus the main dance floor, the bar, as well as the bathrooms.

He then forwarded it, and Damon watched as his staff started to attack the people.

The bartender had a gun stashed under the bar, and he began shooting at the bar. The attendant in the bathroom took out three people using the room.

“Where are these men?” Damon asked.

“Chained up and ready,” Raoul said.

“I will deal with them.”

“This is Russo,” Raoul said.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Milah tense. He noticed anyone who used her last name always created that kind of reaction.

“I know.”

“How?” Milah asked. “How do you know?” She glared at him. “You have plenty of enemies. It could have been anyone.”

James went to grab her.

“If you lay one finger on her, I swear I will break your entire fucking hand, and your legs for good measure,” Damon said. He got to his feet, rounded his desk, and approached her.

She went to take a step back from him, but he watched as she squared her shoulders and faced him directly on.

He liked that.

He hadn’t been able to finish what he’d started in the bedroom, but there was going to be plenty of time to explore her body. Patience was a great virtue, and he intended to enjoy every second of her.

“You don’t need to threaten him.”

“Do you think it’s a good idea to question me?” he asked.

She glared at him. “You don’t know this was my … father.”

“Do you think your father is a good man?”

“Hell, no, but you cannot assume everything is his fault.”

Damon chuckled. “He begged for his life. He told me I could have anything I wanted. I told him the price for him to walk away was you. Do you think he hesitated?”

“I don’t care,” Milah said.

“Innocent people died tonight, Milah. I will get to the bottom of this.”

“If my father is not responsible, you need to let me go.”

Damon threw his head back and laughed.

“You can laugh all you want, I don’t care. You and I, we’re toxic together, and nothing good could come of this. Let me go, and you can have war with my father.”

“Milah, I’m going to have war regardless of if you’re with me or not. I don’t make deals like this. You’re mine. Deal with it.” He took her hand and led her out of the nightclub. No one dared to stop him. Not even Raoul. He’d never taken a woman along with him to question men responsible for killing people who frequented his club.

His men hadn’t been injured, but the news of the attack would spread, and it would be bad for business. The people who knew what he was associated with as well, like his brothels and casinos, would also suffer. Even some of his restaurants. There would be ripples.

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