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Our Happily Ever After (Bold As Love 5)

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That's one of the things I'm most excited about doing. I want to look beautiful for Jake, so beautiful the memory of me walking down the aisle will be clear for years to come. “Yeah, but I don't know what I want. It's going to be on the beach, so...”

“We'll find you something,” Helen says with confidence.

We spend the rest of dinner talking and laughing about Kristi's current fling. Kristi reminds me a lot of Abella, but where Kristi is moving from guy to guy, Abella has since settled down. I still talk to her and Hannah every now and then. More so now that we're in the wedding planning stages. Once conversation seems to die down a little, I decide to share with them what Jake shared with me last night.

“Jake wants to build us a house.”

“Really? Where at?”

I shrug. “Outside of the city. He told me last night that he wants us to go ahead and start.”

“Wait,” Kristi says after taking a sip of her wine. “He wants to build a house while you are planning a wedding?”

I nod.

“Whew, you are going to be busy, Emily.” Helen shakes her head at the thought.

“You haven't even heard it all.” Helen and Kristi exchange quick glances before I continue. “Jake also wants me to come off birth control.”

“Damn. That must have been some fantastic sex,” is the first thing out of Helen's mouth.

“Yeah, because now he wants your babies,” Kristi adds, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

I can't help but laugh at these two. “Y'all stop. This is serious,” I manage once I've stopped giggling. “I'm nervous.”

“Oh, don't be nervous, Em. If that's what you want to do, then go for it. But don't let Jake talk you into it. I know how you are with him.”

“He could probably talk you into a threesome,” Kristi exaggerates.

“He could not!” I'm a little horrified at how they think I give in to Jake's every whim. “I make my own decisions and y'all know that. Plus, Jake doesn't force me to do anything I don't already want to do.” The girls look at one another knowingly, but I ignore it.

“Okay, fine,” Helen concedes. “Why does he want to have a baby so soon anyway? He's been practically ignoring you for over a month now! Not to mention that you two are already trying to plan a wedding and now build a house too. Doesn't he want to have a resting period or something? You should enjoy being newlyweds first.”

“We have been together for six years, though.” I ignore her comment about him ignoring me because I don't want to think about it anymore than I have to.

“It does seem like he's trying to rush everything. He hasn't done anything to feel guilty about, has he?” Kristi asks.

“Well, these last two months,” I start, but she cuts me off.

“That's not what I meant,” she interrupts quietly.

“Kristi,” Helen chides. “Don't be ridiculous. This is Jake we're talking about. Even I know him well enough to know that he wouldn't do that to her.”

“I know things were rough lately with us, but I never for a second thought he may be cheating. Helen's right. Jake wouldn't do that. He doesn't have it in him. I'm sure if he is feeling guilty about anything, his behavior is reason enough.”

“You're right. I'm sorry. You know him better than I do, but I would still find out why he wants all this so soon. You're going to be stressed to the max, Emily.”

“It wouldn't hurt to ask,” Helen agrees.

I'm going to be the one feeling guilty if I ask Jake. His answer will probably be, why not? It does feel like he's rushing us though. Helen has a point, I guess. We're going to be busy as it is and we're about to get married. Shouldn't we have a period of time where it's only us as newlyweds? On the other hand, we have been together for six years. Any time would be a good time because we love each other. Nonetheless, it's bothering me that Jake brings this up now when I've felt like he's left me behind in his life. Because of that, I know I'll ask him like they suggested.

* * *

When I walk into the apartment, Jake and Drake are playing video games in the living room.

“Hey, guys,” I greet.

“Hey, Sweetness.” He flashes me a real smile, causing my heart to skip a beat.

Drake ignores me until I ask him how his day was and even then, he gives me a one word answer.


“Are all your clothes in the hamper?” I ask, heading into our bedroom. “I'm washing today.”

“Aren't they always in the basket?” he snaps.

Jake glances between Drake and me, but I shrug. Drake's comments are nothing new for me. I gather all of Jake and my clothes and take them into the laundry room. When I get Drake's and begin to sort, I sigh.

“Drake, come take your belt off your jeans,” I call out.

“Oh my god!” he huffs loudly. “Why can't you do it?” he asks as he walks into the room.

“I've told you three times already that you need to quit leaving it, that's why.”

“Drake, what's your problem?” Jake asks, leaning against the doorframe. “You don't talk to her that way.”

“Whatever,” he grumbles.

When he goes to walk out, Jake stops him. “Hey, I asked you a question.”

“All she does is nag. Drake do this. Drake do that. It's annoying.”

“You've got to be kidding me!” I exclaim. “You're the one who has had an attitude problem for the last month and I wouldn't nag you if you would do what I asked the first time. Would you like to wash your own clothes?”

“You've been talking to Emily like this for a month?” Jake asks, folding his arms over his chest.

“Can I just go to my room?”

“Apologize to her and lose the attitude, understand?”

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