Our Happily Ever After (Bold As Love 5) - Page 9

Chapter Three


I'm tired and grouchy because I didn't sleep worth a shit last night after Jake's phone call. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that we actually talked. Things should improve now that we know what our problems are. But part of me thinks Jake isn't going to try and fix things because he wants us to be better, but because he feels bad about it. Either way, I tossed and turned all night. So when Drake is a smart ass first thing this morning, I snap.

“I don't know what the hell is going on with you, but you better fix it. I'm not going to put up with your mouth anymore. If you don't want to talk to me, that's fine. Talk to your brother, but if the attitude doesn't go, you can forget about hockey. Got it?”

“You wouldn't,” he tries.

“Try me.”

He looks out the window and stays quiet as I drive him to school. I start to feel bad for taking my anger out on him, even though he was running his mouth. There was a better way to handle it.

In a much calmer voice, I say, “Look, I don't know what's going on, but you can always come to me or your brother. We don't want you to feel like you are going through whatever it is alone. We're always here for you.”

Drake nods and I stop the car, so he can get out.

“Have a good day.”

“You too,” he says and then he's gone.

What is going on with him? Something is bothering him, but he won't talk to me or Jake. I'll have to try harder to figure out what's wrong. Sighing, I go to work. Dr. Z isn't here yet and Helen and Kristi are gossiping when I walk inside.

“You okay?” Helen asks.

“Yeah, you look like shit,” Kristi adds.

“Didn't sleep well,” is all I say.

They can't ask more because Dr. Z comes, and it's time to work. I'm ready for a nap, but it's a busy day so my sleepiness goes away after about an hour. The situation with Drake is still bothering me. However, lunch rolls around before I know it. My problems are forgotten when I walk outside and find my love leaning against the hood of his new Mustang. Completely mesmerized by the sight of him in jeans, a white t-shirt, and a beanie, I watch as he pushes himself off as I walk up to him.

My lips part to speak as he wraps his arms around my waist, but he doesn't give me the chance. Jake swoops down to capture my lips in a sweet, full of love kiss. His tongue delicately tastes me as it explores, leaving me begging for more. It's one of those kisses from him that I love so much, one that promises slow, luscious loving. He pulls back a little and grins at my breathlessness.

“Hey to you too.” The air barely escapes from my mouth. I lean into him fully, missing his touch, as he pushes back a stray strand of hair.

Jake runs his thumb under one of my eyes, his smile gone. “You look tired. Did some ass keep you up too late?”

“Yeah, but I think the ass stayed in Minnesota.” He smiles slightly. “I'm starved. Are you ready?”

Jake nods, and he opens my door for me. Things are quiet until we get on the road, and I notice we turned the wrong way.

“Where are we going?”

He glances over at me, smiling. “We're in a rut, remember? Trying to shake things up.”

I love that he's trying. Jake seems more like his old self today. He's even holding my hand. “That still doesn't answer my question.”

“Steve recommended this Italian place.”

“We're trusting Steve with food? He'll eat anything,” I laugh and Jake chuckles.

“I've been here with him once. You'll like it.”

A few minutes later, we arrive. Even with the beanie, Jake gets recognized by the other people eating and by the staff. Some say hello and talk about his last game and some just watch. The waitress sends him flirty smiles, completely disregarding me, and quite frankly, it pisses me off. I don't usually mind Jake getting noticed, but for girls to act as if I don't even exist when I'm right here? Yeah, it pisses me off. Sometimes I wonder how bad it must be for him when I'm not around.

She asks him something about last night's game and I speak before Jake can. “I'm sorry, but as you appear to know, he just got back into town and I only have an hour for lunch. We would like to eat in a timely manner, so he can take me home for dessert.”

The waitress glares at me, then smiles at Jake. “What can I get you to drink?”

“We would both like Dr. Pepper. Thank you.” She touches his shoulder as she walks away and Jake raises an eyebrow at me. “What was that about? You looked like you were about to lunge for her.”

“I was. She could at least respect that fact that I'm sitting here with you.”

He reaches across the table to take my hand. “I don't think I've ever seen you like that. It was kind of hot.” His thumb runs over my knuckles. “I still get to take you home for dessert, right?”

Just as he says it, the waitress returns with our drinks, conveniently spilling mine in my lap.

“Oh, I'm so sorry.” Her face contorts in fake surprise, but she's trying not to smile. The corners of her mouth are betraying her though.

“Sweetness,” Jake warns because I must look like I'm about to kill her. I certainly want to. “I'll help you clean up. We're going home anyway, remember? You can change before you go back to work.” He turns to the girl, his tone more stern than when he was talking to me. “Would you be helpful by bringing us more napkins and my fiancée another drink or should I ask that personally of your manager?”

“Of course. I'll go do that. Again, I'm so sorry.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Bold As Love Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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