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Our Happily Ever After (Bold As Love 5)

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Chapter Fifteen


After we make a stop to change into more reasonable clothes for flying, I'm so lost in kissing my husband like a sex-starved teenager that I don't even realize when we've arrived at the airport. I grin at Jake, knowing that I'm about to find out where we're going for our honeymoon. But a quick look out the window steals my smile.

“What's this?”

“I told you that I didn't want to you know where we were going until we got there. This is the private jet we're taking.”

My mouth falls open. “A private jet? How did you manage that?”

Jake laughs. “A friend owed me a favor. C'mon, Sweetness.”

We get out, and our driver retrieves our luggage. There's a man waiting to greet us, but I don't listen to whatever it is he says. How in the world did Jake talk someone into letting us borrow a private jet? What kind of people does he know? I mean, it's a private jet! And we're just borrowing it. When we get on the aircraft and have a seat, I decide that I don't care anymore. With the exception of the staff, we're alone, and I'm exhausted.

Boy, has it been a day. Between this morning, running around before the wedding, and then the wedding itself, I'm so tired. Jake walks towards me with two glasses and a bottle of champagne. Oh, no.

“Love, I don't want any.”

His smile fades. “What? We're newlyweds!”

He sets the bottle and glasses down and I grab his shirt, tugging him towards me. “All I want is my husband and some sleep.”

Jake sits next to me, kisses my temple, and then whispers into my ear. “What? No sex either?”

Laughing, I playfully push him away. “Aren't you tired?”

He tugs me against him. “Not one bit now that I finally have you alone.” His lips brush against my neck, igniting a fire in me.

“Mmm, you can have all the sex you want... when we land. Unless...” I trail.

“Not telling you, Sweetness.”

“Fine.” I lean into him and close my eyes, falling asleep before we even take off.

* * *

A low, sultry voice whispers right in my ear. “Sweetness, wake up. We're in Aruba.”

Aruba? My eyes flutter open, but I don't want to. Jake's body warmth is wrapping me in a lovely blanket and I don't want to move a muscle.

“Sweetness?” Jake says again when I stay put.

“Aruba, huh?” Reluctantly, I sit up and stretch a little. I'm so excited to finally know where we'll spend our honeymoon. We grab our things, head towards a driver who is waiting for us, and then head to the hotel. On the ride over, Jake hugs me to him and asks again how I'm feeling. “Fine.”

“You're still flushed. It would be our luck for you to get sick while we're here.”

“I'm not sick, love. Promise. I feel fine.”

He kisses my forehead. “Good. I want my wife to have a fantastic honeymoon.”

That will never get old. When I ask Jake what he has planned while we're here, he says nothing. We're going to go with the flow and do whatever we want whenever we want. Jake didn't sleep on the flight here, so we're going to get a little shut eye first. But when we lay down, my husband's hands seem to have a mind of their own and then he starts to kiss me and sleep is the last thing on our minds.

When we finally decide to leave the room after getting some sleep, I start feeling really nauseous. I ask Jake to go get me some water while I finish getting ready. As soon as the door closes, I vomit. This is going to be fun, trying to hide something major from Jake. By the time he gets back, I've finished getting ready, brushed my teeth, and shoved any nauseated feelings away as much as possible. This is going to be a good trip as long as I can keep myself in check.

“Hey, Sweetness. I saw this in the lobby. Want to do this today?” He holds out a brochure on snorkeling.

“Snorkeling? Yeah, that sounds like fun.”

We head to where we'll snorkel and with the sun shining over us, I quickly become in love with Aruba. It's beautiful. I've never seen beaches with sand so white and water so clear. This place is stunning. Our host seems so nice and soon Jake and I are seeing all kinds of beautiful fish. I already want to come back here!

The rest of our trip is spent exploring Aruba or simply hanging out on the beach. At one point, Jake and I get full body massages. This is the best relaxation I've ever experienced. On the other hand, I've been half miserable this entire trip and I'm trying my best to hide it from Jake. But it's hard when I'm having to avoid drinking and it's no surprise that Jake's sixth sense is knowing when something isn't right with me. He's been watching me like a hawk since the wedding, trying to make sure I don't suddenly get sick on him.

We have one more day left before we head back to the States. We're laying in bed watching TV after a long day on the beach and Jake tugs me to him. “Are you sure everything is okay, my sweet wife?” he whispers in my ear, rubbing his nose along my jaw.


“Sweetness, if you don't feel good, just tell me. We can go home a little early, it's fine.”

“I feel fine,” I semi-lie. Things are fine. He groans into my neck, so I roll over and cup his face. “Jake, this is our honeymoon and nothing is going to distract us, okay?”

“It's been a perfect trip so far, but you have been looking like you feel queasy, your cheeks are still flushed, and if you're about to get sick, I rather take you home now instead of letting you be sick on a plane. Just tell me.” He kisses my neck and adds, “I'll love you forever.”

“You kind of already promised to do that.” I hold my left hand up. “We got married, remember?”

Jake chuckles, smiles at me, and presses his nose against mine. I'm such a sucker.

“Fine. Just remember that you ruined the surprise.” Jake looks confused and for a second, I panic. What if it happens again? I don't want to go through that. With a deep breath, I push the worry away. This is my husband. He's always there for me, and it's time he knew. When I don't say anything fast enough, Jake does.

“Okay, Sweetness. Tell me what's going on.”

“I was going to wait until we got home, but you are you, so here we go. You asked if I was getting sick at our reception and remember I told you that I was fine? That all I felt was love?” Jake nods. “That's because I found out the night before that I'm pregnant. We're going to have a baby.” I grin.

Jake's smile is huge. “We're going to have a baby? That's why you've been weird, being sneaky about not drinking alcohol? Because you're pregnant?” I nod. “Sweetness! This is fantastic!” He hugs me tightly to him.

“I had big plans on how to tell you once we were home and now you've ruined it,” I whisper.

“I'm not sorry at all.” He grins. “I love you, Sweetness. Always.”

“You better. No one else knows but the girls since they were with me when I took the test.”

“We can tell everyone once we get home.” He's so excited and it overjoys my heart.

I shake my head. “I don't think we should. I mean, I still have to see a doctor and I... I just want to wait a while.”

Jake gives me a kiss before agreeing to go along with what I want. We talk about different ideas on how to tell our family and friends for the rest of the night.

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