Love You Madly (You Again 2) - Page 20

She didn’t have to debate her next question, because she was asking it as much for herself as to help him out. “If you want, you’re free to crash in my guest room. Since we’re going to be getting up in the next few hours anyhow.”

That. And she didn’t want to be alone. Okay. There was more to it, but she wasn’t going to overanalyze it right now.

He actually looked like he was considering it. “Okay. Thanks.”

That had been easier than she thought.

But half an hour later, sprawled on her queen bed with only the sheet to cover her, after trying to push away thoughts of the horrible things Darcy could be suffering, her thoughts returned to that niggling question.

Why did this one man have such an effect on her? A man who positively loathed her, knew her at her worst moments…why did

she care so much what he thought about her?

And why did she want him so desperately to see her as someone different?

Chapter Seven

The aroma of coffee met her as she entered the kitchen a few short hours later. She might need a drip.

She doubted she’d slept for more than two hours, three, tops. Too many thoughts running through her head. About her daughter and all the mistakes she’d made. Mistakes from even before she’d met Darcy. Her sleep wasn’t any better. Although she had no memory of what she’d dreamed, she knew it had been dark and terrifying, and she’d woken up feeling alone, afraid, and…empty.

Travis was already at the counter, sipping from a large mug. He’d showered, she knew, because she’d heard the water running earlier, and somehow he’d gotten a hold of another black T-shirt, impossibly even tighter than yesterday’s. “Nice shirt.”

He shrugged. “I pack light.”

She grabbed a mug from the cupboard.

“You may want to take it to go. We’ve got to leave to meet my source in a few minutes.”

“Didn’t you want to check out Darcy’s room?”

“Done. Afraid not much there.”

She nodded and grabbed a stainless steel travel mug instead and filled it up. Travis took another long measured drink of his coffee, but from over the top of his mug, she caught him take in her appearance, starting at the brown sandals at her feet and up over the sleeveless maxi dress she’d opted for as much for comfort as keeping her cool under the anticipated hot summer sun. And she had to admit, the lower neckline and dark navy tone were particularly flattering to her.

He might loathe her, but there was definitely attraction in those cool green eyes when he looked at her. She smiled smugly as she added half-and-half to her coffee before pushing the lid on. “All ready.”

It took her a second when she stepped outside on her front porch to remember. She had no car. The blue bombshell, instead, awaited them.

She couldn’t help the bubble of laughter that escaped her, which soon turned into a long, rolling laugh, and she grabbed her belly.

Travis watched her, looking a little wary. Probably considering institutionalization.

“It’s just”—she stopped to wipe away a tear—“yesterday we started out with a decked-out Range Rover and a late-model Mercedes ST edition. And today…that’s all we have left.”

Bonnie, as Claire called her, was even more decrepit under the early morning sun, the rust along the passenger side glaring at them, the worn tires looking like they’d pop at the touch of a pin.

She met his gaze and was surprised to see him returning her smile. “I like to kick it up a bit.”

The car door creaked open loudly, probably not helped by the morning dew that settled over everything. Goose bumps trailed down her arms, and she grabbed the sweatshirt she’d left in the backseat and covered her shoulders while Travis started the car and pulled out.

He smelled nice, clean and slightly musky. How did guys do that? Let off that au naturel scent that had her crossing her legs at the sudden longing that filled her. She’d be an idiot to deny that she found him attractive.

The man was eye candy.

This was not good. And she took a hearty sip of her coffee as she mulled that over, letting Travis’s choice in music go unremarked upon. Even if it didn’t make any sense.

Short skirt and a long jacket? What did that even mean?

Tags: Ashlee Mallory You Again Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024