Love You Madly (You Again 2) - Page 32

Four men and three women. But the only person that Travis cared about was the guy in the center, who had had been watching them for the past few minutes. He looked to be the leader. Late thirties, dark hair and eyes, medium build. Travis pegged him for Middle Eastern, as were two of the other three men at the table. He’d bet this guy wasn’t just a guest this evening. He was too confident and cocky, like he owned the place. Probably did. And would be on alert to anyone or anything that might jeopardize himself or his interests.

So when the guy drew the attention of one of the henchmen at the table to Travis and Meredith’s arrival, he knew he had to make sure they didn’t appear to be anything more than a couple looking for fun.

Without time for explanations, he’d acted quickly.

He hadn’t expected her mouth to bend so easily to his, though, or that he’d enjoy the sweet taste of her lips as much as he did. Her full breasts were pressed against him, and his hands instinctively gripped her hips and then slid farther back to her ass. He pulled her into him, deepening the kiss.

He knew this was all for show, but knowing it didn’t stop his body from reacting to her softness. Especially since Meredith was able to feel the full impact of what this was costing him.

He wanted to bury himself in her.

But he pulled his lips from hers and released her. In what he hoped looked like a touching scene, he brushed that full sexy mane of hair from her face and met her eyes.

God. She had to stop looking at him like that or he was going to do it again.

“Mrs. Sanders?”

Ah. Looked like Bryce had found them.

Meredith tried to withdraw from his embrace, but he placed his hand possessively around her waist, pulling her to his side and trying not to notice how well she fit against him.

“Have you heard anything from Darcy?” she asked Bryce, her voice strained.

Bryce only continued to stare in awe at her, his mouth open. Travis knew exactly how the kid felt, since he’d experienced the same shock and desire earlier tonight when he’d seen Meredith standing glorious and sexy as hell with bedroom hair, those long firm legs displayed in a short skirt, and her breasts ripe and luscious in a clinging top that immediately made him ache.

Who knew the prim mean girl could turn on the sex kitten—or dominatrix might be more apropos—so successfully?

He only hoped he hadn’t been as obvious as Bryce, whose eyes were practically bugging out of his face. Travis fought the urge to smack the kid.

Meredith repeated her question. Almost shaking his head from his stupor, Bryce answered, “No. Still haven’t heard from her. Do you think she might be here, though?”

“We can hope,” Travis said. “Did you and Darcy ever make your way up here before?”

Bryce looked uneasily over to Meredith before responding, and then at the floor as he answered. “Yeah. Last weekend. Saturday.”

“Between Saturday and Wednesday night, when you last saw her, did you guys go to any more of these events?”

“No. Just those two. Although…” He paused and thought for a moment. “When we came here last Saturday, we only found out about this level by accident. Darcy went to get some sodas and when she came back, she said the bartender mentioned another party on the top floor. He said mention Jasper and we’d get in. We did, just out of curiosity. But we weren’t here long. We’d danced for a couple of songs when Darcy said she wanted to go. She felt…creeped out. Said she felt like she was being watched. So we left.”

“And you’re only thinking of this now?” Travis’s tone was sharp.

Bryce shifted, keeping his gaze on the floor. “Yeah. But we were only here for like fifteen minutes, then went back to my place to watch a movie. Hadn’t thought anything of it until now. Being here again. Remembering Darcy’s comment…”

Hell, Bryce looked nervous enough to pass out.

“Grab a drink, Bryce. Nonalcoholic,” Travis added with a warning tone. “Then try to act like you’re just here to have a good time, maybe looking for some friends who you’re meeting up with. If you see that Matt guy, come and tell me immediately. Don’t try and talk to him on your own.”

Bryce swallowed noticeably and nodded his understanding. Travis bent down and spoke into her ear. “Let’s go find a table.”

He chose a table in the back corner where he could see the room and dance floor. Meredith slid into the chair next to his, and he made a point of pulling it closer to him, then wrapping his arm around her again.

She stiffened. “Do you think this is necessary?”

He thought about telling her about the guy up in the booth who had them under surveillance, but he didn’t want to risk it. He doubted that Meredith could do a covert glance without being too obvious. He chose not to embellish and answered only, “Yeah. I do.”

He needed to keep his eyes on the floor and the table at the back. Watching for anything that seemed out of the ordinary. But the scent from Meredith’s skin was making it difficult, as was the heat of her body against his. Damn it.

She wasn’t supposed to be able to have this effect on him.

Tags: Ashlee Mallory You Again Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024