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Love You Madly (You Again 2)

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“Oh, Mer. Always one for dramatics. But even if I thought that you might, you should know it’s not possible. At this point, the only way you can get out is if someone opens the door from outside the limo. It’s a safety precaution.” He leaned forward and pulled a flute from the bar in front of him and poured a glass, offering it to her.

“No, thank you.” She watched as he took a sip, relishing the taste a little too long. “If you’re not going to take my offer, then what are you going to do with me?”

“You might have considered asking yourself that question before you stepped into my limo tonight. You have to realize that letting you out isn’t a possibility.”

“My only thought was getting to my daughter.” And it still was. Which was why he still had his eyeballs intact.

“Ah. Then you’ll be happy to know you’ll be seeing her soon.” He looked down at his watch. “Things should be starting in about forty minutes. It’s all actually quite thrilling.” It was hard to miss the excitement in his voice, glistening in his eyes as he practically clapped his hands together. “To see what one man values compared to another. But you’ll see soon enough.”

Smiling at her now, he picked up his phone. “Ayman? Yes, it’s Peter. Remember that woman you had inquired about last night? Right, and I told you that she wasn’t part of the lineup. Well, it’s your lucky day, my friend. I’ve acquired her. And I’ll bypass the usual rules of etiquette here, just for you. Interested?” He chuckled. “Yes. And I’ll expect an extra ten for the finder’s fee. Should I arrange for the delivery tonight?”

It was true—she hadn’t given much thought to what would happen if her plan failed. Her only consideration had been in at least being heard, praying that money would win out in the end. But now that she saw how futile her plan was, her heart was racing and she couldn’t stop the chill that came over her. She’d been stupid and rash. Thinking she could take care of this on her own. That she could exert control over a situation she knew nothing about.

Now all she could do was pray that she had some time with her daughter—and some time to think of another way to get them out of this. At least now she knew who had her. And she’d be seeing her soon. Alive.

Peter hung up the phone and took another drink and watched her under a hooded gaze. “You made quite the impression on Ayman last night. When he called me to find out your price, I was a little confused. Until I reviewed the video footage. And there you were, making quite a scene on the floor with that guy. Hell, half the men in the club were jacking off as they watched you two writhing. It definitely whetted my appetite.”

“You’re not really serious, are you? You’re actually going to sell me? I’m hardly a virgin, or anywhere near eighteen. Isn’t that what your clients like? Poor, weak, and naive young girls who will be helpless victims?”

“Ah. I find it hard to believe you could ever be anyone’s victim, Meredith. Even at eighteen. Your daughter did surprise me, though. I remembered her as a gawky teenager. Frizzy hair. Baby fat. Nothing to look twice at. I couldn’t understand why Bryce was beside himself when they first started dating. Then I caught her at the graduation a few weeks ago. She was stunning. Our little ugly duckling turned into a swan. A pure swan. And that picture of her you flashed on TV yesterday? Pure genius. When my clients saw that pic and your plea, it really bumped up the interest for tonight’s event.”

“You’re disgusting. Don’t you care about what this will do to her? Or even your own son? He really seems to care about her.”

Peter looked bemused. “He does, doesn’t he? Well, he’ll find out soon enough, one piece of ass is as good as another. I’ll find someone suitable to replace her when the time’s right. Are you sure I can’t interest you in some champagne? Might take the edge off for you. Make it easier.”

She ignored him and turned to look out the window.

“Aw. The haughty ice queen.” He set his glass down and slid across the seat so his leg pressed against hers. His hand reached out again, toying with a lock of hair. “You know, as I understand it, Ayman isn’t the most sensitive lover. He likes things rough. Not like me, I assure you.”

She refused to look at him, instead focusing on the scenery outside her window. They were on the freeway, heading south, away from the city. Away from Travis.

Why hadn’t she at least gotten word to him of her plan? Told him her suspicions before taking off half-cocked?

No. She had to believe that, no matter their differences, Travis would find her. Find Darcy. He’d promised as much.

She was going to have faith.

He was going to throttle her. Slowly.

But first he had to find her.

How the hell could she take off like that without telling anyone? Without telling him. Didn’t she understand the risk? The danger she was bringing on herself? His blood went cold at the injuries that could befall her before he could find her. He knew all too well the stings and barbs that tongue of hers could unleash on someone, making them want to silence her. Just how far would she push Peter?

Travis rounded the last curve in the parking garage and finally reached the street. He held up his phone, waiting for the bars to appear. There. Three. He called Meems, putting the phone back on the seat as the microphone on the car picked up his voice. “What did you find?”

“There’s a distribution center in Herriman, but it’s open twenty-four hours and I don’t see how they could keep this kind of operation a secret with as much traffic as comes and goes there. Same for the one in Layton. However, when they first started up forty years ago, they operated out of a warehouse in Riverton. The

y moved operations nearly twenty years ago, but the old warehouse still shows as a Bauer holding.” She gave him the address.

That just might be it.

“The location is remote, more farm country, but I-15 is only a few minutes away,” Meems said, then paused like she was looking at something. “There’s even a private airstrip just…ten miles south.”

“I’m on my way. Thanks, Meems. I’ll keep in touch.”

“Like hell,” she said. “I’m on my way, too. You need someone to be your eyes out there, not knowing what you’re running into. I can hack into whatever security system they’ll have in play.”

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