Love You Madly (You Again 2) - Page 67

“I know, baby. I don’t know, either. Not yet. But as long as you’re with me, we’ll figure it out.”

Although her head pounded and the light, no matter how dim, made the pounding worse, Meredith looked around, trying to process what she was seeing. They were on a king-size bed. From the standard things around them—the nightstands, the desk across the room, the generic wall art and color scheme—she was certain they were in a hotel room, albeit a very lush hotel, if the subtle wallpaper, carpet, and floor-to-ceiling windows covered with draperies were any indication. But where?

She sat up and the room tilted for a moment, and a rush of nausea swept her. Darcy’s arm braced her and kept her from falling back.

“The door is locked. I tried it. And I can’t find a phone anywhere. I think we’re in a hotel room. Although I haven’t been to Vegas before, from the view out that window, I’d say that’s where we are.”

Meredith fought back more tears. Despite everything Darcy had already faced, she was still so levelheaded. Someone to be proud of. And if they ever got out of this, she’d be sure to tell her daughter that every damn day of her life.

Darcy touched the back of Meredith’s head tentatively, and she flinched against the immediate pain. “They got you pretty good. There’s a nice-sized goose egg. Mom? What happened? How did you even get here?”

Meredith managed a wry smile. “I was supposed to be saving you.”

“No offense? But I think you could have planned this rescue a little better.” Darcy was smiling, though, and for a minute the two of them just stared at each other.

“Darcy, whatever happens, I need you to know that I love you more than anything on this planet, and I would do anything to keep you safe. I’m sorry if I ever gave you any reason to doubt it before.”

“I know that, Mom. And I love you, too.” Her daughter leaned over and kissed her cheek, and Meredith held her against her. There was so much more she wanted to say and apologize for, but it would have to wait.

First they needed to figure out how to get out of here. Together.

Starting with figuring out where the heck they even were. Darcy thought they were in Vegas, and but how was that possible? How long had Meredith been out?

On the desk across the room were a lamp and a flat binder. If this was like most hotel rooms, it might have some description of the hotel. Its address.

Meredith tried to stand, but her legs buckled and she sank back onto the bed. What had they given her?

“What do you need?” Darcy asked.

“Can you open one of the curtains? I want to see outside.”

Darcy slid off the bed and gathered the fabric of her white silk gown up and off the floor as she tiptoed barefoot across the carpet. Meredith looked down and realized she was wearing nearly the same gown. Someone had undressed her and dressed her in this thing while she was unconscious. Anger and humiliation flooded her.

Her daughter was light on her feet as she crossed the room and swept open one of the panels, not seeming at all affected by whatever drugs had been in her system during the auction. Meredith could only hope those same drugs also made it easier for Darcy forget what took place.

The bright, gaudy lights of the Strip lit up against the night sky confirmed Darcy’s guess. Meredith nodded, and Darcy crept back to join her. She’d barely sat down when the bedroom door creaked open and someone peered in. The man, dark skinned and wiry, didn’t look familiar, and he didn’t stick around long enough for her to get a hard look at him, instead shutting the door behind him.

They knew she and Darcy were awake and conscious. That couldn’t be good.

Not when the two of them were alone in here and defenseless. They needed something to arm themselves with. “I’m going to check the bathroom for anything we can use as a weapon. You check all the drawers. The closets.”

Through sheer will and stubbornness, Meredith slid off the bed, sinking her feet into the carpet. She stood, her head spinning, but she wasn’t going to give in. She took some breaths until she was steady. Once she got started, it became easier, and she made it to the bathroom.

The counter had the usual toiletries. And other than towels, there was nothing that looked remotely useful. Not even a complimentary hair dryer. What kind of hotel didn’t at least have a hair dryer—and a cord that might have been of use?

“I’m not seeing anything, Mom,” Darcy said in a hushed voice from the other room. Meredith made it to the doorway and looked around. Even the closet was cleaned out of everything, including the hangers.

The mirrors? Maybe if they could break one, the shattered glass could be used as a weapon.

But the door opened, and the man in the suit from the club the other night, the man who’d looked at her like she was a piece of meat, or an object to only be used, was standing in the doorway. Two unsmiling men stood behind him.

“Good evening, ladies,” the man said, his voice smooth and with a distinct British accent. What had Travis said his name was? Ayman? The same man Peter had spoken to. Sold her to. “Just a brief conversation so you know what’s expected of you. First. Don’t try and scream or cause a scene. Not because anyone will hear you, but because all the men outside this door know you’re here, and to cause such a disturbance will likely only annoy them. And risk harm to yourself. Second, there’s to be no questions. No demands. You no longer possess the right to make any requests. You will do as you’re commanded or will find immediate consequences. Understand?”

Meredith’s first instinct was to stand tall and proud and tell the man what bridge he could jump off, but she knew the futility in that, with three men or more, all likely armed, to her and Darcy. And she wouldn’t risk harm to Darcy unless she had an actual plan.

She nodded, telling herself she was just biding her time until she could scratch the man’s eyes out.

“Ah. Don’t think I see that flash of anger hidden behind those amber eyes. So spirited. I will enjoy coming to know you. The girl, though…a little too young. Docile, for my taste. But I will admit the prospect of both of you, together, has some allure. I’m told she’s your stepdaughter.” Meredith looked at him without responding. He smiled, but his eyes were dark and cold like a snake. “But the sheikh, my brother, isn’t fond of sharing, especially one as tempting as your stepdaughter.”

Tags: Ashlee Mallory You Again Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024