Cruel Vows - Page 14

I feel her tremble and hear her sniffing as she cries. In time, she will come to accept her new position. It’s not like I went in there planning this, but once I saw her again, it all clicked into place. My father has given me six months to find a wife and I want Paisley like I’ve never wanted anyone. It makes sense to take her as my own.

A few patrons give us an odd look as I walk into the parking lot.

“Help me!” She screams.

“We’re playing a little game.” I glare at them and spank her thighs. “Ignore her.”

The cowards nod and rush inside, too scared of me to do anything.

“You piece of shit. Let me down now.” She shifts and sinks her teeth into my shoulder, biting down hard.

I grunt from the pain, but it’s nothing I can’t handle. “You’ll have to do worse than that to hurt me, princess.”

Arturo has the engine running as instructed as he gets out and opens the back door to the SUV. “Do you need a hand, sir?”

I shake my head. “No, just take us home.” I bundle her into the back of the vehicle and follow her inside.

My shirt is crumpled, and I smooth it out before running a hand through my hair. Paisley’s eyes are on me. I can feel her watching me. To irritate her further, I keep my attention forward and off of her. She’s as feisty as her fiery red hair. My erection grows uncomfortable in the confines of my pants, as the tension between us is all it takes to arouse me. I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want her.

After a few minutes of painstaking silence, she finally gives in and breaks it.

“What the fuck are you intending to do with me?” she finally blurts out, glaring at me with such anger.

The outburst draws me closer to her as I slide my hand onto her bare thigh. “Make you mine.”

Her eyes flash with defiance. “That will never happen.”

I shake my head. “It already has, princess.” I inch my hand higher up her skirt, which makes her freeze. “You will be bound to me in the eyes of the law, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

Her brow furrows. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”


Her mouth falls open, and she stares at me like I’m completely insane. I guess that it’s not exactly normal behavior to kidnap a woman and force her to marry you. “There’s no way in hell I’ll ever marry you.”

I tilt my head. “Not even at gunpoint?”

Her nostrils flare, and I detect the first flash of fear. “What is wrong with you?” She shakes her head. “You can’t take someone against their will and force her to marry you. Are you really that hard up for a fuck?”

I growl and grab her throat, squeezing in warning. “I have women lined up desperate to fuck and marry me, but I don’t want them.”

“No.” She shakes her head. “You want someone who doesn’t want you?”

I move my face to within an inch of hers, inhaling her scent, which is intoxicatingly heady. She smells of roses and it’s the single most beautiful scent I’ve ever encountered. “I’m not sure that’s true after our kiss in the bathroom the other night.” Our lips are within inches of touching as she gazes at me. “You will do as I say and once we’re married, you will fall to your knees in front of me and give me everything I desire.” I flex my fingers around her throat in warning. “Because you have no choice.”

She spits in my face, which only makes me harder. “I’d rather die.”

“Careful, Paisley. That can be arranged.” I narrow my eyes. “You realize who I am, don’t you?”

“Yeah.” She tilts her head. “You’re a spoiled, rich mafia brat who thinks he can take what he wants, like some kind of God.”

I smirk at that. “You’ve got a lot to learn about the world I operate in.” I release her and she slumps back against the leather seat. “Complain all you want. Words are words and once I’m through with you, you’ll submit to me.”

“I’ll submit to you when hell freezes over.”

“Perhaps it already has,” I murmur, glancing out of the window and ending the conversation. She’s too angry to have a rational conversation right now. In time, she’ll calm down and come around to the idea of becoming Mrs. Paisley Morrone.

I adjust myself in my boxer briefs to provide relief, attracting her attention to the obvious bulge.

“You’re sick,” she says.

I grab a fistful of her hair, pulling her toward me. “Do you want to learn how sick, princess? I’ll shove it down your throat right here and now and show you.”

Fear overtakes those enticing green eyes. “No,” she mumbles, averting my gaze.

“How old are you?” I ask, as her age, or experience, hadn’t ever crossed my mind.



She’s younger than I thought, perhaps too fucking young. Illinois and its stupid laws. It’s ridiculous that people under twenty-one can tend to a bar when they can’t even drink. There’s an eleven years age gap between us. She’s only a year older than my youngest sister, for fuck’s sake.

“And how much experience have you had sexually?”

Her expression turns furious and her cheeks flush a pretty pink. “That’s none of your business.”

“Believe me, it’s entirely my business.” I search those eyes. “It would be in your best interest to answer truthfully.”

Her throat bobs as she swallows hard. “None,” she finally replies.

My pants get increasingly uncomfortable. She’s a virgin. Entirely untouched. I’m going to be the first and last man to defile her in every way possible. The desire to ruin her innocence drives me crazy, but I won’t fuck her until we’re married.

“Good,” I breathe, pressing my lips to her cheek and kissing her softly. “Because that means I get to claim your innocence, princess.”

“In your dreams,” she says, but the fire behind her words isn’t there anymore. Helplessness over her situation is winning out as she appears more dejected.

I move my lips to her neck and kiss her there, nipping at the skin in a way that makes her gasp. “I’m going to devour you. Once I do, you won’t be able to stop begging me for more.”

“Bullshit,” she says.

“That wasn’t your reaction in the ladies’ bathroom the other night.” I bite her collarbone and she jolts toward me, groaning softly. “If your brother hadn’t walked in on us, I think you were ready for me to fuck you.”

“No,” she mumbles, shaking her head.

Her answer isn’t very convincing.

“I bet your virgin pussy is already dripping wet at the thought.”

“It’s as dry as the Sahara fucking desert.”

I chuckle. “Let’s find out if you’re telling the truth.” I inch my hand under her skirt, making her recoil as I skate over the hem of her panties.

“Don’t,” she mutters, trying to move away from me.

It’s a sick fact that her reluctance turns me on. I hold firm, ignoring her plea as I slide my finger through the cotton gusset, groaning when I feel how wet the lace is. “A liar indeed. You are soaking wet.”

“Fuck you,” she spits, turning back to that anger I’d witnessed at first.

I pull my hand out and shake my head. “I’ll be the one fucking you, Paisley, but not yet.” I release her hair and sit back. “I’ll save that for when we’re man and wife.”

“And when exactly is that going to be?”

“As soon as I can arrange it. Otherwise, I might have to fuck you before.” I grab my cock, which is throbbing and desperate for release, tugging on it.

She turns her face away from me in disgust. “You make me sick.”

“That’s debatable, considering your pussy is so wet.”

Tags: Bianca Cole Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024