Shades (Evil Dead MC 3) - Page 5

“Skylar!” she yelled and launched into her arms, hugging her like an idiot. “You’re here!”

Skylar hugged her ba

ck tight. “Letty, it’s been so long. I’ve missed you.”

Letty pulled back and wacked her playfully on the arm. “Then why did you stay gone so long, dumbass?”

Both women burst out laughing.

“Who’s a dumbass?”

Skylar turned to see a big man standing in the doorway to the backroom.

Now the dreadlocks made sense.

The big muscled man had his own long dark dreads hanging to his waist. They were tied back in some semblance of a ponytail—as thick around as Skylar’s arm. His skin was a smooth mocha brown.

Letty turned to look over her shoulder at the man. “Relax, Ace. Come meet my best friend.”

He strolled over, if a large muscled man could stroll and extended his hand. “Ace Luther.”

Skylar studied him. He was bare-chested under his own pair of overalls. His eyes were a golden cat-eyed color. “Hi,” she said, shaking the man’s hand.

“Doesn’t he have the most beautiful eyes you’ve ever seen, Skylar?” her friend asked, starring deeply into the man’s eyes with adoration and possibly love, Skylar noted.

“They are nice,” Skylar admitted with a laugh.

Ace smiled, revealing even white teeth and nodded toward Letty. “Your friend’s a goof-ball, but I guess you already know that.”

Skylar laughed. “Sure do. It’s why I love her.”

Later that afternoon Letty and Skylar were talking near the cash register as Letty closed up. They’d planned to go out and have drinks and catch up on all that they’d missed in each other’s lives. Letty had just changed out of the overalls and into a pair of low riding jeans, biker boots and a halter top that left her belly bare. Both wrists held multiple strands of beaded bracelets, and there were more funky necklaces around her neck. The hippie-child look fit her, Skylar thought with a smile.

That wasn’t Skylar, though, never had been. Skylar always preferred something a little more subtle, a little more classic. Never wanting to fall into the cliché her upbringing made her feel destined for. Something she’d always fought against. Some things she’d never been able to control in her life, but her wardrobe was one thing she did have control over.

She, too, had low waist jeans, but instead of a halter top, she had a simple white racer-back tank that hugged her like a second skin. No biker boots for her, though, she wore a pair of black high-heeled sandals. Skylar always strived to have a bit of class to her look. Her jewelry showed it, too. The simple silver hoops in her ears and the matching silver cuff at her wrist.

The bell over the front door tinkled, and booted feet moved through the front of the shop. Skylar turned, as two more faces from her past walked in, Letty’s big brother, Crash and his best friend, Cole. Both were members of the Evil Dead MC, having joined up right after high school. They’d spent about five years with the Birmingham Chapter, before moving out to the West Coast where she’d heard they’d joined up with the San Jose Chapter.

They were both tall, broad shouldered good looking men, both wearing the black leather cuts bearing their colors. The patches they bore on their backs with pride, declaring to the world their membership in one of the baddest MCs around. Colors that struck fear into most.

“Crash!” she yelled, moving toward him for a hug.

He lifted her, squeezing her tight. “Damn, Skylar. Haven’t seen you in forever.”

“I know. It’s been too long.”

He released her, stepping back. “You look gorgeous as ever, squirt.”

She grinned up at him, and then looked back at Letty. “Same old Crash. Still calling me squirt.”

Cole stepped forward. “Remember me, Skylar?”

She turned from Letty, and her eyes sparkled. “Cole!” She flew into his arms next. “I can’t believe it. It’s been forever!”

He laughed, hugging her back. When he released her, he reached up and ruffled the top of her head. “You coming to the party tonight, little Sister?”

She looked back at Letty. “Umm, I don’t know. I thought we were going out for drinks.”

Tags: Nicole James Evil Dead MC Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025