Shades (Evil Dead MC 3) - Page 7

And then finally she turned and met his gaze. He watched a shy smile form on her face that told him she knew he’d been tracking her movements. In return, he let a smile tug at the corner of his mouth, and he lifted his chin to her.

Once they’d made that initial connection, he kept catching her glances, and each time he’d smile at her, she’d return a shy smile back. Eventually, she walked toward him, and he couldn’t stop the need that filled his gut as he watched her approach.

“Hey.” She gave him another one of those cute as hell shy little smiles.

“Hey, darlin’. How’s it goin?” he answered, figuring a little small talk wouldn’t get his ass in trouble, but still he glanced around the crowd, looking to see who was paying them any attention.

“Good party.” Her eyes moved over the crowd as well.

“Yeah. Dead throw a good party.” Taking a hit off his cigarette, he studied her. “You havin’ a good time?”

She shrugged. “Parties aren’t really my thing. I kind of got dragged here by my friend.”

He flicked his cigarette, sending it sailing into the alley.

She looked him up and down. “Don’t you like parties either? You’re standing over here all alone.”

Her voice did things to him. It was low and sexy and kind of shy. He couldn’t keep his eyes from dropping to her breasts, and as he watched, her nipples pebbled in response. Wrenching his gaze back to her face, he stood in the entrance, fighting the overwhelming need to reach out and touch her, or if he was being honest, haul her into his arms. He shoved his hands in his pockets before he did something stupid in front of a yard full of club members. And touching her would definitely be a stupid move, especially when he’d been warned.

“Gate duty. Gotta make sure the uninvited stay out.” He grinned and gave her a wink.

“Do you have to do this for the whole party?”

He nodded. “Yeah. Been here since about 8am this morning and I’ll probably be here till 2 or 3am tonight.”

“Wow. That’s a long time.”

“Life of a prospect, darlin’. Eighteen hours on your feet, standing at a gate wishing for something to eat or just some fucking water. One or two hours of sleep a night. Surviving on Red Bulls, cigarettes, Starbucks and ephedrine.”

“Ephedrine? Like in diet pills?”

“Yeah, I know, but amphetamines give me headaches so,” he shrugged, “I stick with the cheap substitutes.”

“That sounds rough. Don’t they let you have a break?”


“Can I get you a beer or something?”

“Darlin’, if I drank a beer right now, I’d fall asleep standing up. But I’d kill for a bottle of water.”

She smiled. “Coming right up.”

When she returned, he grinned. “Thanks, sweetheart. You’re a lifesaver. I’m in your debt.” He guzzled it down and watched as she pulled two more from her shoulder bag and set them on the ground by the wooden privacy fence.

“For later.”

“What’s your name, my beautiful angel of mercy?”

“Skylar. And you are?”



“Gotta tell you, Skylar, I’ve been warned off you.”

“Why?” she asked with a frown, her eyes glancing around the back lot.

Tags: Nicole James Evil Dead MC Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025