Shades (Evil Dead MC 3) - Page 9

He led the way inside, unlocking the glass shop door. The ceiling above them in the garage area was open. There was an office area ahead and a metal staircase that led to the second floor apartment that was situated over the office area.

She followed him up the stairs, Toby trotting beside them. When they got to the second level, he watched her reaction as she looked around, taking in the space. It was indeed as he’d said, small. There was a bed over by the windows that overlooked the main drag through town. A low dresser sat across from it. On the other side of the room was a small table with two chairs. A tiny kitchenette with a sink, mini fridge and microwave. A door led to a small bathroom with a shower stall. The apartment was open to the level below in a loft style.

True to his word, he didn’t touch her that night. They’d both crashed on the lone bed out of necessity, but they’d just lain and talked mostly.

“So, Skylar, how old are you?”


His head swiveled on his pillow, and he looked at her, his brows raised. “Damn, babe. Didn’t think you were that young.”

“How old did you think I was?”

“Twenty-one, at least.”

She grinned, turning her head on the pillow. “Really? I look twenty-one?”

Instead of answering her, he stared at the ceiling and mumbled, “Fuck, this is wrong. Big time wrong. You’re just a kid.”

“I am not. Relax.” She laughed at the worried look on his face.

“Jesus Christ, if the club finds out about this, I’m done for.”

She reached up and made an X over her heart. “I won’t tell anyone. Cross my heart.”

“You do, and I’m a dead man, Skylar.”

“And how old are you, Shades?”


“So, you got an ol’ lady, Shades?”

“Nope. And I ain’t lookin’ for one either.”

“I see.”

He went up on an elbow, turning to face her, his head resting on his hand. “Tell me about the foster thing.” Her eyes went to him, and then looked away. The curtains were open, letting in the moonlight, and he studied her face.

“There’s not much to tell.” Her voice was soft in the dim light.

“How did you end up in the system?”

“My mother died when I was three, and I never knew my father.” She shrugged. “I guess there was no one else to take me. I don’t know. I was so little. I’ve never known anything else.”

“So, you’ve been with this foster family your whole life?”

She let out a soft snort. “Hardly. I’ve been in six different homes.”

“Six? You’re shitting me.” His eyebrows shot up with her stunning announcement.

“Nope. Not shitting you.”

“Why so many? Did they abuse you?” He frowned down at her, wanting an answer, but realizing he was being an insensitive ass to blurt out a question like that the way he had. If her answer was yes, he didn’t know how he was going to take it.

She shook her head slightly. “No, they just never worked out. I would act out or do something else that would make them give up on me, I guess.” She let out a slight laugh. “I was kind of like the puppy that got returned to the pound. Over and over and over.”

Shades listened to her try to make a joke out of it, and it broke his heart. “Babe…”

Tags: Nicole James Evil Dead MC Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025