Shades (Evil Dead MC 3) - Page 11

ent, when her eyes locked with his, he felt like a mule had just kicked him in the chest. Something zinged between them. He didn’t know what it was, but he’d never experienced it with any other woman. It was like that soul-mate shit he’d heard people talk about. Shit he’d never believed in.

Until now. Until right this moment.

Something was happening between them, and it was freaking the shit out of him. He dropped his hand from her neck, breaking the spell, and she stepped back, somehow sensing the sudden change in him.

“I, um, guess I should go,” she whispered, embarrassed now.

“Yeah, okay.” He nodded.

“Thanks, again, Shades.”

He winked at her. “See ya ‘round, Sky.” As he watched, a smile formed on her face, and he knew she liked the way he’d shortened her name. Pulling his sunglasses down over his eyes and buckling the helmet on, he twisted the throttle, roaring away from the curb. Looking in his side mirror, he saw her standing where he’d left her, watching him ride away, and he smiled.

They saw each other over several parties that summer, and Skylar always made a point of coming over and talking with him. They’d talk and laugh. He could always get her laughing. And when she did, her face lit up. Fucking lit up. Absolutely fucking beautiful.

Usually, they were under the watchful eyes of his brothers, but occasionally, late at night, when it got dark and his brothers got drunk, they would find themselves alone for a few minutes. Sometimes he’d steal a kiss, but he wanted more. Much more. And he was finding that it was becoming more and more difficult to keep his hands off her. In fact, abiding by the hands-off orders he’d been given where she was concerned was becoming damn near impossible.

He found himself thinking about her often, even when he hadn’t seen her for days or weeks.

He was completely captivated by her, he could admit it. Fuck, he hadn’t felt this way about a chick ever. But he knew he needed to rein his feelings in and leave her alone. Nothing was going to come of this, nothing could ever come of this, no matter how bad he wanted her.

And that was exactly what he told himself every week, until the next time she’d show up, and all his good intentions would go right out the fucking window.

One such night he was again ordered to stand gate duty. It was late, and everyone was starting to migrate inside as a light drizzle was starting up. Skylar had been sitting with a group at a picnic table under a tree in the yard. Shades, like he always did when she came around, was unconsciously keeping tabs on where she was.

He watched as some of the other girls she’d been sitting with made their way inside, complaining about the stray raindrops. He heard Skylar call after them that she would be along in a minute, after she sent a text.

And then they were alone, just the two of them left in the yard in the dark of night. He stood at the gate, his eyes on her as she sat in the dark shadows under the tree. The only light in the yard came from a dim bulb near the back door and the remains of burning embers in the fire pit.

Shades took a hit off his cigarette, the glow probably the only thing she could see by the darkened gate. But she was looking his way. He knew it. He could feel it. And then he watched as her shadowy form stood and walked toward him.

As she approached, he tossed his cigarette, the glowing tip arcing as it flew into the alley. When she reached him, Shades barely let her get out a breathy greeting before he grabbed her by the hand, pulled her around the gate and pushed her back up against the outside of the six-foot wooden fence as his mouth came down on hers.

When he finally broke the kiss, she stared up at him breathlessly. “Why did you do that?”

“Because I had to,” he replied, delving in for another one. When that kiss ended he looked down at her and confessed, “I watched you earlier, when you were dancing.” She’d been one of a group of girls that had started dancing when some good music came on the stereo that was piped into the yard. He’d been hypnotized by the way she’d moved to the music. “Were you gettin’ your ‘feel good’ on?”

“I was having fun,” she admitted.

“You were doin’ more than that, honey. You were driving me crazy. Me and every guy here.”

She grinned, her white teeth flashing in the moonlight. “Is that so?”

“You know it’s so. You can definitely move, girl.” He leaned in close again, nuzzling her neck. “You smell good, too.”

“So do you.”

He pulled back. “I do?”

She nodded, her hands running up the front of his cut. “Leather and wood-smoke and…you.”

He moved in closer again, promising, “One of these nights, girl. One of these nights, I swear.”

“What, Shades? What do you swear?”

“You and me, we’re gonna find out just how hot this flame burns.” He kissed her again, but broke off again, warning, “Your girls will be looking for you soon.” He studied her mouth. “Fuck, what I wouldn’t give for just a few more minutes with you.”

The creaking sound of the back screen door opening carried to them. Shades released her, ordering in a whisper, “Don’t move.” He stepped around the open gate.

Tags: Nicole James Evil Dead MC Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025