Shades (Evil Dead MC 3) - Page 26


“But I can’t have one?”

“You’re two for two.”

She stomped her foot. “That’s not fair! Bobby got one when he turned sixteen. Why can’t I have one? You’re being sexist.”

“Watch your mouth.”

“If you let me have a bike, I’ll promise not to wear those cute little dresses you hate me wearing.”

“You seem to have misinterpreted the matter as up for debate.”


“And I better not catch you in those damn dresses!’

“Why can’t I have a bike?”

“Jesus Christ, Mindy. You’ll get a car. No bikes! We clear?”

She threw herself in his arms and kissed his face. “I knew you’d buy me a car!”

“Mindy, quit,” Griz muttered in an embarrassed voice.

“You know you love me.”

“Yeah, but you don’t have to rub my nose in it.”

After she’d skipped back out, Shades let out a laugh. “Thought you weren’t buying her a car, Griz.”

“I wasn’t.” Griz frowned and turned to Ghost. “What just happened?”

Ghost slapped him on the back with a laugh. “I think she just played you for a car, dude.”

“Oh, man. Daughters. They ought to come with a handbook,” Griz grumbled.

“Yeah, so you could smack ‘em with it.” Ghost laughed.

“Want a noose to hang yourself?” Shades offered.

“Nice parenting style, Griz. What’s it called?” Heavy asked.

“It’s kind of an existential philosophy. It involves a carrot and a stick.”

“Yeah? How’s that workin’ for you?”

“It’s not. I think she just got the carrot, and I just got the stick.”

The men burst into laughter.

“Hey, JJ, isn’t that your ex ol’ lady at the gate?” Ghost turned to ask the man who was standing over by his mangled dirt bike, brushing himself off. JJ wandered over to the men and squinted his eyes toward the gate.

The men looked over to see a hot little redhead standing with her hands on her hips. The prospect at the gate wasn’t stupid enough to let her in without permission.

“Damn, but she was a fine piece of ass. Maybe she wants me back. How should I play this, cool and hard-to-get, friendly and flirty?” JJ had a crooked grin on his face.

“JJ, get your ass out here! I’m three months pregnant, you son-of-a-bitch!”

Tags: Nicole James Evil Dead MC Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025