Shades (Evil Dead MC 3) - Page 41


“He’s been giving me looks.”

“What do you mean?”

“Like he wants to knock my teeth in.” Crash could hear Cole laugh.

“Probably because when we were there for Bulldog’s funeral, I led him to believe that Skylar’s your ol’ lady.”

“You did what?”

Cole chuckled. “You could do worse.”

“Why the hell would you do that?”

“Remember when we brought Skylar and Letty to the clubhouse?”


“He was confronting her, had her up against the wall when I walked up. Anyway, he’d seen you two ride in together, and he just assumed you were together. I may have led him to believe that assumption was correct.”

“Fuck. Think it might have occurred to you to let me in on this little scheme of yours?”

“He jumps your ass, I’m sure you can hold your own.” Cole laughed.

“Thanks for your vote of confidence, bro.”

Cole chuckled. “Call me tomorrow.”

“Right.” Crash disconnected and went inside. He strode up the stairs and straight to Skylar’s room. Tapping lightly on the door, he called. “You up?”

“Come in,” came her soft reply.

Swinging the door open, he saw she was sitting up in bed and reaching to switch the bedside lamp on.

“Sorry, were you asleep already?”

“No. Not yet. What is it?”

“I’m heading back. Tomorrow, if I can get a flight.”

She looked down at her lap, plucking at the quilt. “Oh. That soon?”

“Yeah, babe. It’s time.” He moved toward the four-poster bed. He slid his palm high on the carved poster, his thumb brushing along it, his eyes on his hand. “I…ah…just talked with Cole. Found something out, and I wanted you to know.”

“What is it?”

He leaned against the bedpost and met her eyes. The confusion on her face was easy to read, so he just came right out with it. “It was Cole that forced Shades to break it off with you.” He watched her reaction. Her mouth parted, and her brows drew together.

“What?” she asked softly. “Why would he care?”

Crash shrugged. “You know we’ve both treated you like a little sister. Him especially. Guess he thought he was looking out for you.”

“Forced him how?”

“Beat the shit out of him, for one.”

“For one?”

Tags: Nicole James Evil Dead MC Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025