Shades (Evil Dead MC 3) - Page 46

“Maybe not. But now I’ve come looking for you.”

“Shades, please, just go.”

“Not happening, sweetheart, so open the door.”



“Shades, what we had is done. You need to let go of the past.”

“Have you let it go?” When she didn’t reply, he continued, not giving up. “Sky, I’m not leaving until we work some shit out.”

“There’s nothing to work out.” She pushed away from the door.

“The hell there’s not,” he growled.

“Go away, Shades. I’m not interested. Nothing about you interests me anymore. Get that through your head. I don’t want you.”

“Skylar, you want to play hard to get, I’m up for it, but don’t go cutting my balls off sayin’ shit like that.”

“I’m not hard to get. I’m impossible to get.”

“You’re teasing me, baby. Wild crazy foreplay, that’s all this is. You know it, and I know it.”

“You’re insane.”

“You do drive me crazy, woman, I’ll give you that. Now be a good girl, and open the door.”

She didn’t reply.

“Sweetheart, do I need to point out that at any time I want I could bust this door down?”

“Go away, Shades. Please.”

“Done playin’ with you, babe. Nothing and no one is keepin’ you from me. Not this time. No brother and no goddamn locked door. You need to get that through your head and get it right fucking now.” A moment later his deep, rough voice threatened, “I gotta break down this door, I will, Sky. Don’t for a minute think I won’t.”

She blew out a breath. She didn’t doubt him. She knew he wouldn’t hesitate to do what he just threatened, and she couldn’t allow him to damage the place. The man who’d been kind enough to allow her to stay here didn’t deserve that. And she couldn’t call the police. Not on a member of the Evil Dead. She knew better than that. So, that left her no choice but to let him in. Turning, she took a deep breath and threw the lock. Before she could even turn the knob, he was pushing his way in and just as quickly slamming it shut behind him.

Taking a step back, her eyes went to his face, studying his expression. It was dark. His head was tipped down, his eyes boring into her from under his brows. There was something about that look that had her backing up until she reached out behind her and found the bed post with her hand. Its solid carved wood smooth beneath her palm. A moment later, her back was pressed to it.

“Say what you need to say, and then please go.” Her voice quavered, but she managed to lift her chin.

He stalked across the room toward her, slowly, intently. Saying nothing until he was standing in front of her, so close her rapidly rising and falling chest was just inches from brushing against him.

His hand came up and brushed a strand of her hair back and he breathed, “You were always beautiful, but damned if you aren’t even more beautiful now.”

Her breath left her, his words having the same effect on her they’d always had. She watched as his eyes swept over her, her body, her hair, her lips, before returning to her eyes.

“I should have never let you go, baby.” His fingers sifted through her hair. “Biggest mistake of my life.”

“But you did.”

“I’m sorry, Skylar. For all of it.”

She turned her head and tried to look away, but his hand came to her cheek and brought her eyes back to him.

“You don’t believe me.”

Tags: Nicole James Evil Dead MC Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025