Shades (Evil Dead MC 3) - Page 59

“He was supposed to meet up with us this morning, but he didn’t show,” Griz replied, flicking his ashes off his cigarette. “Hope nothin’ happened to him.”

Ghost grinned, “Oh, I think little Ashley was lookin’ to happen to him in a big way last night.”

Griz chuckled. “No doubt.” Then he looked over at Shades. “Heard you took a taste of that a couple a nights ago.”

“I think everybody’s had a taste of that by now,” Shades replied.

“She’s only been comin’ round a couple weeks.”

“Well, it doesn’t take long for some.”

“I disagree,” Ghost cut in with a teasing look at Shades. “I think she’s been real particular with who she’s lettin’ in her pants.”

“Your point?” Shades asked.

“Brother, she’s had her sights on you since she walked on the property.”

Shades let out a huff. “That’s the case, she needs to get over it, ‘cause I ain’t goin’ back for seconds.” Those days were fuckin’ done now that Skylar was back in his life. He took another drag of his cigarette, with a quick glance over his shoulder back at his shop. Thank Christ this conversation was taking place out in the lot and not inside where she would have overheard every word of this crap.

“Why, bro? She a piss-poor lay?” Spider asked.

No, she was actually quite good, but he’d be damned if those words would ever come out of his mouth. Instead he replied, “You climb on that, you’re boarding a fucking crazy train to Loopsville. But, hey, you wanna take that ride, have at it. But I’m not interested, and I sure as hell don’t need her following me around thinkin’ that’s gonna fuckin’ change.”

Ghost’s eyes narrowed on him again. And goddamn, he wished Ghost wasn’t so fucking quick to pick shit up.

“Well, maybe I’ll get the down-low from Hammer when he shows up,” Spider added.

“Maybe you will.”

“Where you goin’?” Heavy shouted after Gator as he wandered off.

“I got a board of director’s meeting over here. Ya mind?” Gator yelled back over his shoulder, then he ambled to the side of the dumpster and took a piss.

“Fuck, Gator. We don’t want to see that shit,” Ghost complained.

“Then don’t fuckin’ look, asshole,” Gator yelled back. A minute later he was zipping up and heading back across the lot when Hammer roared in off the street. Hammer turned his handlebars and hit the throttle, aiming right for Gator, who had to jump out of the way to avoid being run over.

“You son-of-a-bitch!” Gator yelled after him as Hammer rode to the back of the lot and made a circle turn, coming back and parking next to the guys.

He dropped his kickstand and climbed off.

“I can’t believe you tried to run him over,” Ghost laughed.

“Oh, like you’ve never thought about it,” Hammer replied, pulling his helmet off and running his fingers over his short hair.

Ghost chuckled.

“Gotta talk to you ‘bout something,” Spider mumbled, grabbing a fistful of Hammer’s tee shirt and pulling him off to the side.

Probably to ask him if he nailed Ashley last night, Shades thought, shaking his head.

Gator walked up. “Did you fuckin’ see that? The motherfucker tried to run me over. Why the hell would Hammer want to kill me?”

Griz turned to him with a straight face and said, “Why would I want to kill you? Why does your ex want to kill you?”

The guys tried to hide their grins.

Gator’s eyes narrowed in Hammer’s direction.

Tags: Nicole James Evil Dead MC Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025