Shades (Evil Dead MC 3) - Page 67

“Means those women are a thing of the fuckin’ past. Means I won’t be with anyone but you from now on.”

“That’s not what Ashley just told me.”

“And what exactly did Ashley tell you?”

“She said you and her have a connection. She said you may stray, but you always come back to her. She said I wouldn’t last fifteen minutes.”


She remained at the window.

“Sky, look at me.”

When she wouldn’t look at him, he took her by the arm and pulled her around.

“First, Ashley’s half crazy. Serious, babe, she’s like delusional. You can believe about one-tenth of what comes outta her mouth. Second, I was with her once. Once. You hear me? And I’m not goin’ back for seconds. Ever.”

Skylar eyes searched his, wanting to believe him, but not sure she could trust him.

“Baby, we both have pasts. We’ve been apart ten years. I haven’t been a monk. Women come around the club, and, yeah, I partook in that, and all that that entails. But that’s done. I’m tellin’ you it’s done, and my word on that needs to be enough for you.

“And although I’m tryin’ hard not to think about it, I’m sure you’ve been with other men. We both need to set that aside if we’re gonna be together from now on. And, honey, I know with me, you’ll be setting aside a hell of a lot more than I will ever have to with you. I get that. And I know the gift you’re givin’ me, in setting that all aside. And the gift you’re giving me just in giving me another chance. But bottom line, you giving me another chance has got to mean setting all that shit aside comes with it.”

He took her head in his hands and pulled her close, staring down at her.

“Do you understand me?”

“You promise me there won’t be anyone else?” she asked softly.

“I promise you.” He searched her eyes. “That being said, doesn’t mean some bitch isn’t gonna come up somewhere and blindside you like Ashley just did. But you ignore it. You have questions, you come to me. If there are explanations I gotta make, I’ll make ‘em. But I will never be explainin’ that I just fucked someone else. ‘Cause that ain’t ever gonna happen.”

He stared down at her.

“You clear on that?”

She nodded and smiled. “Yes, baby.”

He pulled her to him and pressed a tender kiss to her mouth.

A knock sounded at the door. They both turned their heads as the door opened, and Ghost poked his head inside.

“DKs are at the gate.”

Skylar felt her stomach drop, and her hands tightened at Shades waist.

“What the fuck for?” Shades growled back at Ghost.

He shrugged. “You better get down here.” And then he ducked back out the door and was gone.

Shades looked back at Skylar, kissed her quickly on the mouth and ordered, “I gotta go deal with some stuff. Stay here. Don’t leave this room ‘till I get back. We got more shit to talk about. Hear me?”

She nodded, too dazed to say anything. Her mind reeling from the terror that was right now pulsing through her veins.

Shades moved through the door, closing it behind him, and then he was gone.

Skylar turned, as if in a trance, and made her way woodenly back to the window. With shaking hands, she jerked the curtains shut, afraid they might spot her. Then she peeked through the side.

She had a perfect vantage point from up here. She could see the yard, crowded with people. And there, at the big gate in the back of the six-foot wooden privacy fence that enclosed the property, sat four bikes.

Tags: Nicole James Evil Dead MC Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025