Shades (Evil Dead MC 3) - Page 84



“They know what they’re signin’ up for comin’ around the club. Nobody’s forcing ‘em. They come of their own free will. They party. They have some fun with a brother. No harm in that.”

“How did you manage to get this far in life without some woman driving a stake through your head?”

He grinned big. “Never said they haven’t tried.”

Shades walked out with three mugs of coffee and set them on the glass table. They all sat down.

“You’re out early,” Shades said to Ghost over the rim of his mug. “Know this ain’t no social call, so spill.”

“Butcher sent me out. Wants you to come in and talk to him.”

Shades stared at Ghost. “What, a phone call couldn’t have done that?”

Ghost shrugged. “No clue. I do what I’m told.”

“Something you’re not tellin’ me, Brother?”

Ghost’s eyes moved from Shades to Skylar and back, and she suddenly felt like they needed privacy. She started t

o push her chair back. “I’ll leave you two to your business.”

“Not necessary, darlin’,” Ghost insisted. Then he looked at Shades. “I’ve got nothing I can tell you, Brother. I just need to make sure you show up. Maybe he thought you and Skylar might slip town.”

Shades stared at Ghost, and then took a sip of his coffee. He looked calm, but Skylar noticed his jaw tighten. Something was up, and he knew it. Apparently, he was letting it slide that his brother wasn’t being more forthcoming.

“What time’s he expecting us?”

Ghost lifted his chin toward the mug in Shades hand and grinned. “You got time to drink your coffee.”

“Gee, thanks.”

“You’re welcome,” Ghost replied, still grinning.


Shades walked into Butcher’s office.

Butcher looked up. “Sit down.”

Shades frowned at his gruff tone. He closed the door and sat down.

“This about the DKs?”

“This is about a lot of shit.” Butcher paused to light up a cigarette, then he tossed his silver Zippo lighter on the desk with a clatter. His eyes met Shades’ through the smoke. “You plan on makin’ Skylar your ol’ lady?”

Shades didn’t hesitate. “Absolutely.”

Butcher took a deep irritated breath. “I get it, Brother. I do. She’s beautiful. Fuckin’ gorgeous, and we all love her. But she’s comin’ with a shit ton of baggage. You sure you want to sign on for that?”

Shades ran a frustrated hand down his face and blew out a breath. “I know what kind of shit storm this is bringing down on the club. The DKs showin’ at the gate yesterday and—”

“This ain’t about that. The fuckin’ DKs I can deal with.”

“Then what’s this about?” Shades frowned in confusion. What the hell else could it be about?

Tags: Nicole James Evil Dead MC Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025