Shades (Evil Dead MC 3) - Page 92

“What do you mean?”

“Let me tell you something about our boy in there.” He nodded his head toward the motel office. “When he’s bound and determined to do something, he’s gonna do it.

“I understand that.”

“I don’t think you do, Skylar. He’s on the road to be VP. It’s all he’s wanted for a long fuckin’ time. You on board for that? Because let me tell you, ain’t nothing gonna knock him off that road.”


“If you’re gonna be the old lady of the club’s VP, you’re gonna have to toughen up. You’re gonna have to be strong for him when he needs you. There’ll be times—behind closed doors—when he’s gonna need to lay some heavy shit on you—when he’s gonna need to let the shield down. You’re gonna have to be able to take that weight off his shoulders even if it’s just for a few hours. Things can be stressful with the club; he doesn’t need stress at home, too. Home—that’s gotta be solid. You understand where I’m coming from?”

“I think so.”

“Shit may even go down this weekend. He’s gonna be watchin’ to see how you handle it. See if you’re the woman who can stand by his side through all the shit this club can bring. Make no mistake, good times are gonna outweigh the bad. Wouldn’t be a single member if they didn’t. But it’s how a person handles the bad times that speaks volumes. He’s got to know you believe in him. Gotta feel it to his bones. That goes for when he tells you to do something, he’s doin’ it for your own good. He’s got to know you trust in him enough to do what he says without questions, backtalk or arguments. And it’s more than just that. It’s knowin’ he can count on you to be there for him. Knowin’ you’ll always be there for him when he needs you. That’s what it’s all about.”

“And what about me? What I need?”

“Darlin’, you prove yourself, he’ll be there for you, too. In all the ways you need him to be.”

“So, I have to prove myself to him?”

“Don’t we all have to prove ourselves in some way? Aren’t you waiting for him to prove himself to you? That he won’t ever let you down again the way he did before?”

“I thought you didn’t know anything about that.”

“I don’t, but I’m betting he’s the one that fucked it up. Am I right?”

The way she looked away must have given him all the answer he needed, because he continued, “If you think he’s not watching to see how you handle the shit this life, the MC life, can throw at you, you’re wrong.”

“Shit this life can throw at me?” She repeated his words back at him.

He let out an aggravated breath. “You know what I’m talkin’ about, Hotrod. Shit like Ashley. Shit like the DKs at the gate yesterday.”

She dipped her head, studying the blacktop under her feet.

“Shit like that happens, you can’t run and hide or bury your head in the sand.”

“All right, Ghost. I get the message.”

“For what it’s worth, I think you’ve got it in you. You could be a damn good ol’ lady to him, if you just step up, girl.”

She smiled up at him then. “Thanks.”

“I know it’s none of my business, and I should stay out of it, but maybe I just want you two to work out. I’m givin’ you a piece of advice because I don’t want either of you to fuck this up. So take it in the way it was intended. You want to make this work, I’m givin’ you a little guidance to ease your way into this life.”

“I appreciate that, Ghost. I do.”

“Yeah, well, nobody wants unsolicited advice, but you took it pretty well, darlin’.”

She chuckled and repeated his words from earlier that morning. “Don’t take this the wrong way but…”

“Yeah, yeah. From now on just tell me to shut the fuck up.”

When Shades came back out, he didn’t look happy.

“They’re full up.”

“You’re kidding? In this Podunk town?”

Tags: Nicole James Evil Dead MC Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025