Shades (Evil Dead MC 3) - Page 114

“You don’t see her for all these years, then as soon as she gets herself neck deep in shit with the DKs she shows up here. And this is all just a coincidence?”

“She didn’t just show up here. I sent for her.”

Blood looked back at Undertaker with a frown. “Sent for her?”

“It’s a long story. I’ll fill you in when we get back.”

Blood folded his arms again and stared back toward Skylar and Shades. “Seems like there’s a lot of shit you need to fill me in on. Like why the hell I shouldn’t run his ass off.”

Undertaker slapped him on the shoulder. “Relax. You take that trip back with them, you may have a shot yourself.”

Blood gave Undertaker a deadly look. “Don’t think for a minute I won’t take it.”

Undertaker grinned and blew out another stream of smoke. “One thing I’ve learned about you, Blood, I never doubt you.”

“What kind of game are you playing this time?”

Undertaker shrugged. “No game. He falls down on the job, I’d like to see her with you.”

“Old man, what are you trying to do?”

“Keep you motivated.”

Blood looked over at Skylar, his eyes running over her body. He lit up a cigarette and blew a pissed off stream of smoke into the air. “You do know how to keep a man motivated.”

Undertaker chuckled.


When they got back to the clubhouse, Undertaker informed them that he had rooms made ready for them upstairs. He had one of the girls show them to the rooms.

She led them upstairs and down the hall to the last two rooms on the right.

“The sheets are clean,” the girl said, and then walked away.

“Great,” Ghost commented and walked into the first room.

Shades and Skylar took the next. Walking in, Skylar took in the double bed. There were a couple nightstands on either side of the bed and a chair in the corner. Shades tossed their bag on the chair. A highboy dresser on the other side of the room held an ancient television.

There was a tiny bathroom through a door and Skylar headed into it as Shades collapsed back on the bed.

Once inside the bathroom, Skylar looked at herself in the mirror. She slipped her jacket off and her hand brushed down the feather boa she still had wrapped around her neck. Blood’s words from earlier came back to her. I could think of some uses for that boa.

She looked toward the bathroom door, thinking of Shades, and a sly smile pulled at her mouth.


Shades lay back on the bed, the remote aimed at the television as he flipped through the channels. Nothing but crap on. Infomercials about everything from acne cleanser to kitchen mops. The door to the bathroom opened, and his head swiveled to see Skylar step out. And then he did a double take. Holy shit.

She was standing there in nothing but that feather boa hanging from her neck and covering the front of her breasts. The side curves of each breast were in view as were the curves of her hips. His eyes slid down the center of her, down her cleavage, to her smooth flat belly, to her pretty little bellybutton, to the juncture of her thighs where she held one end of the boa, hiding it from his view.

He clicked the TV off and tossed the remote, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed and sitting up.

“Come here, pretty girl,” he growled.

She gave him a flirty smile, and then twirled the other end of the boa.

He grinned. “My baby wants to play. You gonna give me a little show?”

Tags: Nicole James Evil Dead MC Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025