Shades (Evil Dead MC 3) - Page 127

“Baby,” she whispered softly.

His hand slid over hers as she cupped his cheek, and he tried to smile. “It’s not as bad as it looks. We’re all fine.”

“Yeah, the other guys look worse,” Ghost put in.

She turned her head to look at him. He stood at the sink running water over the bowl of ice he’d been filling. His face looked just as bad, one eye swollen.

“Ghost,” she whispered.

He attempted to smile at her, but winced when his split lip started bleeding again as he walked over to the table and set the bowl down between Blood and Sandman, tossing some dishcloths down next to it.

The two men each grabbed up a towel and quickly wrapped some ice, bringing it to their jaws. Then Blood dunked his whole hand in the ice water.

Her eyes moved back to Shades. “What happened?”

“Just got in a bar fight.”

She walked over to the bowl of ice and made up a towel of ice, then she brought it back to Shades. She pressed it to his face, and he groaned.

“Why were you fighting?” she asked.

“Had a run-in with another club,” Sandman mumbled.

“Sandman,” Blood warned.

“What? She’s knee deep in this club, she don’t get to know?”

Skylar turned back to Shades. “The DKs?”

“No, Death Heads, babe.”

“You ran into the Death Heads? I thought they were only in Florida, not here.”

“Seems they want to expand their horizons.”

“How many were there?”

“Half dozen.”

Skylar turned to the other guys. She moved around the room, studying their injuries. She took Ghost by the chin and turned his face to the side, taking in the bruising.

He smiled down at her. “I’m good, Hotrod. Just a little swelling.”

She moved to the table and lifted Blood’s hand out of the ice water. “You need to put something on those cuts.”

“You wanna play nurse, darlin’, I’ll be your willing patient.” He jerked his head toward the hallway. “We could go in the other room, and I’ll let you take real good care of me.”

“Blood,” Shades growled in a warning voice.

Blood’s eyes remained riveted on her, but a smile spread across his mouth, and he winked at her. “What, I’m just playin’ with her.”

“Well play nice.”

“Do you have an old lady, Blood?” Skylar found herself asking.


“I can see why.”

Tags: Nicole James Evil Dead MC Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025