Shades (Evil Dead MC 3) - Page 142

Moon’s eyes suddenly changed as he sensed the mood in the room and knew something was about to go down. Shades could see that much in his drugged out eyes, the man just couldn’t comprehend what.

“Chain’s only as strong as its weakest links. That’d be you two,” Shades looked them both in the eye.

“The fuck you say,” Rocker growled half coming out of his chair. Ghost pulled a gun and aimed it at his chest so fast the man flinched.

“Sit the fuck down, motherfucker.”

The blood drained from Rocker’s face as he eyed the barrel pointed right at his heart. He swallowed and sat back down, his eyes going to his President.

“What the fuck is this?” Moon growled. “You think you can come in here and…”

“I can come in here and do what the fuck I was sent here to do.”

“And what the fuck was that?”

“Pull your fuckin’ patch.”

“Pull my patch?”

“Both of you.”

“What the fuck for?”

“Don’t play me for a stupid motherfucker, Moon. You’ve been stealin’ from the club. Drugs, profits. You think that’s the kind of thing we let slide? We’re taking your cuts, your bikes and anything else that belongs to this club.”

“You’re not taking our bikes,” Rocker protested.

“Your bike is club property.”

“This is fucking bullshit,” Moon snarled. “I’m gonna talk to Butcher about this.”

“Who the fuck you think sent us?” Shades asked.

That made Moon pause.

“You take this cut from me, it’ll be off my cold dead body,” Rocker insisted.

Shades’ eyes cut to him. “That can be arranged. There’s a limestone quarry nearby, isn’t there, Gator?”

“Yeah, not too far from here.”

Shades stood, folded his arms and grinned down at Moon. “Perfect place to dump the bodies.”

Ghost gave their big bodies a once over and gave Shades a cockeyed grin, shrugging. “Not sure they’re gonna fit in the trunk.”

Shades gave him half a grin, and then looked over at Griz, who with the signal from Shades, stepped forward and pulled the ax he’d held tucked behind his leg.

Shades looked back at the two men who’d just turned white as a sheet. “Not like this they won’t.”

Griz hefted the ax to underline their meaning.

Moon’s hands lifted. “Okay. Okay.”

Hammer moved behind him and yanked his cut off, tossing it on the table. Spider did the same with Rocker’s.

“Take their rings, anything with Evil Dead on it. Claim everything…Its all Dead property,” Shades growled to Hammer and Spider.

“You’re seriously taking our bikes?” Moon protested.

Tags: Nicole James Evil Dead MC Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025