Shades (Evil Dead MC 3) - Page 162

He’d brushed the hair back from her face, his eyes going over the bruise. “I’m gonna kill the motherfucker that did this to you. I’ll kill every last one of ‘em for you.”

She’d shaken her head. “No,” she’d said sharply. “That’s not what I want. That’s not what I need.”

Her angry outburst had brought his head back. Christ, he hadn’t know what to say or how to make this better for her. “Okay, baby. Whatever you want.”

“I just need you to hold me.”

“Okay, Sky. I’m here. I’ve got you.”

She’d sniffled. “You’re the one they hurt. I’m so sorry, Shades. This is all my fault.”

“Hey, listen to me.” He’d squeezed her. “None of this is your fault. You did nothing to Rusty or his club, and you didn’t deserve what they did.”

“But they hurt you—because of me.”

“They hurt me because I wear an Evil Dead patch, Sky. No other reason.”

“But they think your club lied to them, hid me out and…and fucked them over.”

“Skylar, shh, baby. Don’t worry about any of that now. It’s all over. It’s all fucking over, baby.”

“You came for me.”

“Of course I did. You think I wouldn’t?”

She’d sobbed.

“I love you, sweetheart. Couldn’t live without you.”

And now he was staring at Tink, and a bad fucking feeling was skating down his spine. At Tink’s continued hesitation, he prodded, “Tink?”

“I saw her ride off with Blood.”

Shades brows shot up in shock. “What?”

Tink swallowed uncomfortably.

Ghost put a hand on his shoulder. “There’s got to be an explanation, Brother. Maybe he took her to get checked out.”

Shades was about to whirl on him, when Undertaker came up to him. “We need to talk.”

“Not now. I have to find Skylar.”

“She wants to come home.”

Shades spun on him, frowning in disbelief. “Home? What the fuck are you talking about? She is home.”

Undertaker shook his head. “We need to talk.” He grabbed a fistful of Shades cut and pulled him to the side. Shades was just confused enough to let him.

“What are you talking about?”

“I just talked to Blood. Skylar told him she wants to go back to Slidell with us. ‘Wants to go home with her daddy’ she said.”

Shades shook off his hold. “I don’t fucking believe it.”

“She’s been through a lot. And if she wants my protection, she’s got it. But I’ve seen the way you are with her. I know you walked in that fucking DK stronghold alone. For her. Goddamn, boy, I believe you’d walk through the fires of hell for that girl. My girl. So, I’m giving you a shot here. Givin’ you a chance to talk her out of this. But mark my words, if when you’re done talking, she still wants to go home with me, I’m takin’ her, and you aren’t stopping me.”

“Where is she?” Shades growled.

Tags: Nicole James Evil Dead MC Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025