Shades (Evil Dead MC 3) - Page 166


“We got a couch right here.”

“Shades, we can’t. You’re hurt.”

“We can if you climb on top and do all the work,” he suggested with half a grin. He didn’t wait for her response, he was already pulling her leg across his lap, hiking her skirt up as he settled her on top of his lap. His fingertips skated up her thighs, sliding under her skirt, and his eyes stared into hers. “Do you want me, Sky?”

“Yes,” she whispered, her breathing already accelerating.

He smiled, one hand going to the back of her neck and pulling her face down to his until her mouth brushed softly over his.

“I love you, pretty girl.” He searched her eyes. “I fell in love with you the night I gave you a ride home.” That caught her interest.

“You did?” she asked, brows arched.

He nodded. “Um-hmm. I remember the exact moment it happened. Do you want me to tell you?”

She nodded.

“I was dropping you off. And just before you walked away, I hooked a finger in your belt loop and pulled you close for a kiss. Do you remember?”

She nodded again. “I remember. It was the first time you kissed me.”

“Do you remember what you did after that?”

She put her hand over his beard. “I touched you. Like this.”

Shades covered her hand, like he had that first time. “You’d been wondering about what it would feel like. When you touched me like that, all soft and gentle, it was like a mule kicked me in the chest.”

“A mule, huh?” She grinned.

“Yep. Bam. I was in love.” He grinned back at her. “And you’ve had my heart every day since.”

She lowered her face, her mouth brushing his. “Hello, love,” she whispered.

“Hello, love,” he whispered back. His hand lifted, cupping her face, his thumb stroking over her lips, his eyes on her mouth a moment before they lifted to her eyes. “Every time we go through something, Sky, every time we make it to the other side of it, we’re stronger for it. It makes us stronger, better. The couples that are meant to be are the ones who go through everything that’s designed to tear them apart and come out even stronger. I’ve got no doubts about us, babe. None. No part of this road feels wrong.”

She smiled.

“I’m sorry, Sky. I know how hard this has all been on you.” His voice was soft, his tone tender. “I know you’re afraid. I know it’s scary, but I’ve got two strong arms to wrap around you when

the world goes crazy. The only thing you need to know is you are my world. You get that, you feel that deep down and everything else will follow, everything else will fall into place.”

“I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck.” She whispered the confession.

He grinned. “I know the feeling, Sky. When love comes along…sometimes it whispers in your ear. Sometimes it slams you against the fucking wall.”

“I’m home.” She said it almost in amazed wonder.

He wrapped his arms around her.

“You’re home, baby. You’re finally home.”



I lie in our bed, naked, waiting for Shades to come home. After so many missed chances and screw ups, I was finally going to make his wish come true. He’d said more than once that what he wanted was to come home and find me waiting for him, naked, in his bed. I smiled as I realized how many times we’d tried to make it happen and had been waylaid.

Tags: Nicole James Evil Dead MC Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025