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Follow Me Home (Detectives Kane and Alton)

Page 28

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“Many abused kids see men as a threat, and her response is quite common.” Kane shrugged. “Once the crime was reported, she would have told her story many times. It would have been hard on a young kid.”

“I guess so.” Bradford bent her head over her notes. “It was great having you in my ear prompting the questions.”

But you won’t make a profiler if you fail to notice body language. He sighed. Making small talk was the last thing on his mind but not wanting to appear rude or aloof, he smiled at her. “What made you ask for a transfer to Black Rock Falls?”

“I think the chances of promotion are better in a smaller office, plus working with a superior team is a good way to learn.” Bradford returned his smile with a flash of straight white teeth. “I’m not trying to brown-nose you but I heard what happened last summer and wanted to be part of the team. Webber told me about your profiling skills, and working alongside a deputy who is also the ME can only improve my skills.” She cleared her throat. “I was hoping to be partnered with you to gain experience.”

He kept his gaze on the road. Moving into town, the traffic slowed to a crawl. “Well, technically you’re partnered with Deputy Rowley. You will ride with the sheriff or me as needed. Most times, I’m on call-outs with the sheriff.” He glanced over to see her face drop. “We prefer to ease our rookies into the way of things here but I’ll take you to the practice range once a week and I’m sure Rowley will introduce you to his dojo. The more hand-to-hand combat you can practice, the better. We have to deal with some rough types.”

“Okay.” She brightened. “I would appreciate some extra training. I heard you shot a man holding a

knife to the sheriff’s throat last winter. Wasn’t that a risky thing to do?” She gave him an accusing glare. “You could have killed her.”

“Not likely.” Kane pulled the vehicle to the curb. “I never miss.”

He found the Booval brothers in the same area of the park giving pony rides to a line of kids. Parents stood patiently ignoring the eau de horse and swarming flies as they waited for their child’s turn. Glancing at Bradford, he indicated with his chin toward the clowns. “Wait here and log the interview in your notebook while it’s fresh in your mind. I need a word with the Booval brothers.” He strolled in their direction and walked beside Claude Booval. Smiling at the little girl perched on top of the pony he lowered his voice. “May I have a quick word?”

“What is it now?” Claude Booval’s red-and-white spotted shoulders slumped.

Kane ignored his hostility and kept in step with him, moving carefully around the piles of horse dung lining the circular path around the park. “Do you think Angelique will speak to the sheriff? We have a few leads and she might remember something significant.”

“I doubt it. She doesn’t like to speak about it at all but I know something of interest. Our family has been clowns for generations, so she has no need to fear clowns, but since it happened, she will not have a clown costume in the house. This is why my brother and I left Blackwater and moved to Black Rock Falls to prevent her distress. She is here today visiting a friend but she won’t come near us in costume. We will meet her later without the paint.”

Kane pushed a little harder, but aware of the child on the pony, he kept his words ambiguous. “Her information might save the same thing happening again.”

“Okay, I will ask her and if she agrees, I will call you.” He let out a long sigh. “I have your card.”

Kane smiled. “Thanks. Monday would be good if that suits?” He patted the pony then strolled back to Bradford. “Next stop, I’m dropping into the real estate office. I want to speak to Mr. Davis or Alison Saunders, his assistant. We can walk from here, it will be quicker.”

People on the street stepped aside to give him access to the real estate office. He took in the clean windows and new listings posted in neat containers and smiled. Old Mr. Davis did not have the attention to detail Alison offered. He pushed open the door, surprised to find the usual heavy odor of cigar smoke replaced with a citrus bouquet. One thing remained the same: Mr. Davis sat behind the main desk staring at his computer, but he could see Alison Saunders speaking to a client in the back room.

“Ah, Deputy Kane, anyone been murdered today?” Davis’s mouth twitched into a grimace. “It’s not good for business, you know?”

Kane straightened. “I’m sure it’s not too good for the victims either.” He cleared his throat. “Just one question. Are all your master keys accounted for, and where in town do you normally have them cut?”

“Every key is signed in and out.” Davis took a book out of his drawer and opened it on the desk. “Here.” He prodded the page with the tip of a pudgy finger. “The keys are cut at the hardware store but we haven’t lost one in over five years.”

“How does it work? I mean, different houses can’t have the same type of lock, can they?” Bradford’s brow creased.

“All the locks are changed for any houses we sell or agree to lease.” Davis smiled at her, displaying yellowing teeth. “Then we have a master key for all the properties. When a new owner takes residence, they receive their own unique set of keys. Once they use their key, the master key no longer works. Amazing but true.”

Kane pulled out his cellphone. “Do you mind if I take some pictures of the book? I’d like to know the people who had keys over the last couple of months.”

“Be my guest.”

Kane used his cellphone camera to record the pages then straightened and smiled. “How is Alison working out?”

“She is an asset to the business.” Davis gave him a knowing smile. “Pretty, isn’t she? I think Deputy Rowley likes her too. He drops by all the time to speak to her. He’s like a lost puppy.”

Kane raised a brow. “Really? I’ll have to speak to him about wasting time.”

“I see you have a new assistant as well.” Davis flicked a glance over Bradford.

Annoyed at the man’s chauvinist regard for women, he narrowed his gaze. “Yes, this is Deputy Bradford, she has joined the team.” He glanced at her and, seeing her discomfort, decided to remove her from the situation. “If you would prefer to wait outside for me. I won’t be long.”

“Yes, sir.” Bradford gave him a relieved look as she pulled open the door and strolled into the sunshine.

He cleared his throat. “Does Alison manage all of Rockford’s houses?”

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