Shielded Wrongs (Bellandi Crime Syndicate 4) - Page 24

"What would I be worried about?" I asked, kicking his hip in a quick test of his reflexes. His hand caught my leg easily, releasing it as if he wanted to toy with me when I only wanted to feel out his weaknesses.

"How much you'll love my cock," he replied, moving with that stealthy fluid grace and jabbing a soft punch at my stomach. It didn't hurt, but the surprise of him landing the hit at all wrung a gasp from my lips.

I couldn't lose in this, not with everything that was on the line. I'd watched too many of my friends fall to Bellandi men, and I knew once they got their dick in you it was all over. That was the end of freedom. I couldn't give that up for anyone.

Not even Lorenzo Vescovi.

With that in mind, I struck. He blocked. Over and over, he showed a thorough knowledge of where I would aim. He never gave me an in or a hint of a weak spot. He didn’t show me any tells with his eyes as he continued to shut down every strike I made. Frustration built inside me. With nothing to do but take more extreme measures, I lunged for him in the more advanced moves in my arsenal. Twisting my body around his waist, I tried to maneuver myself to get my legs around his neck.

If I could do that, I could take him down.

We went down as planned, falling to the mat with a thud as he landed first. But before I could lock my legs he caught my waist, unlocking my grip from around him with a sharp tug and twisted until my front plastered against his and I stared down at him in shock. I scrambled off, needing to get my feet under me again.

I didn’t get as much as one foot on the mat before he rolled me to my back, wrapping his thighs around either side of my hips. He came down on top of me, pinning me beneath him and getting his hands around my wrists to hold me still. His weight felt suffocating as reality crashed down on me. Bucking my pelvis and pulling my arms down to my hips, I desperately tried to knock him off.

I couldn't lose. I couldn't bear what would come. His weight settled in, his body refusing to budge in the way I'd taught countless women to defend themselves. Enzo didn't move, he stayed on me like only a man who understood the mechanics of defense maneuvers could manage.

I'd thought he underestimated me, but it was only me who underestimated him.

"You asshole!" I gasped, rallying against his grip on my wrists and squirming my hips side to side in a pathetic last attempt. "You knew you would win."

"Of course I knew I would win. I wouldn't have agreed to letting you go home if I didn't. You're good, but predictable to a man who watched you all day long," he said, rubbing his victory in for good measure.

"That's not very gentlemanlike," I snapped back.

He laughed. "Baby Girl, I never claimed to be a gentleman."

His hand left my wrist, leaving me free to shove at his shoulder and try to roll him over. The solid weight of the bastard was impossible to move, and the feel of his hand on my bare waist sent a new pulse of panic through me. "Stop it," I growled in warning, shoving harder. He only smiled, releasing my other hand.

"I won, Baby Girl. Now spread those sexy as fuck legs

and give me my prize," he ordered, sliding his hands in between my thighs. Pulling on one, he shoved them open enough to slip between them, forcing them even wider to surround his hips.

"You can't actually be serious!" My voice broke into nervous laughter as his fingers tickled at the edges of my shorts where they touched my thigh. Laying his weight back on top of me, he stared down into my face. With his hips between my legs, every inch of him pressed into me. I felt every bit of muscle as he surrounded me with his sheer mass and leaned into me with his elbows on the mat.

"Ride or die," he whispered. Without warning, his lips crashed down on mine, swallowing my gasp of surprise and making it his. I'd never understood the appeal of Matteo for Ivory, of being totally and completely taken without hesitance.

Enzo made me understand.

With the first sweep of his tongue against my lips, my body wanted to give him anything and everything he asked for. I shoved that traitorous bitch down with a slap to the ass, biting his lip the moment he gave me the right angle. "Get off me!" I yelled when he pulled back, touching his lip where he bled. I'd do it again, every single time he touched me.

Nobody touched me without my permission, even if my body was a hussy in disguise.

He smiled, blood welling from the cut on his lip before he ducked his head down and took my mouth again. Grabbing my ponytail, he tilted my head back until my neck arched, and he took. Devoured. Deep sweeps of his tongue on mine while heat pooled in my belly. Enough heat that I stopped shoving at his shoulders, wrapping my legs around his waist and encouraging his lips with mine.

All that mattered was the electricity of his skin on mine. Not all the reasons it was a horrible idea. A growl vibrated in his chest when I drew him deeper, sucking on his tongue briefly like I'd worship his cock if I let myself.

Finally, rolling him to his back with his moment of distraction, I let him pull my sports bra over my head. The air conditioning hit my nipples, puckering them into hard points while he stared up at me and he placed his hands on my hips. The moment I leaned into his space and touched my lips to his, he rolled me to my back again. His chest heaved against me, his skin grazing my nipples as he drew away from my mouth and kissed his way over my throat and down my collar bone. I shivered beneath him as sparks of desire covered my body.

One of his massive hands enveloped my breast, claiming it with his heat as the music pulsed in the background. His mouth wrapped around the other one, sucking and biting at it until I arched my back and writhed against him. The ridge of him inside his black boxer briefs rubbed against the space between my thighs, giving me the friction I so desperately needed.

"Enzo," I begged, grinding down desperately.

"What do you want, Carina?" he asked, glancing up at me as he licked my other nipple in a slow and torturous tease.

"If you’re going to fuck me, then do it already," I begged. He slid further down between my legs, touching his lips to my stomach as the muscles twitched in response to his attention. Fingers curling into the waistband of my shorts, he smiled down at me as he tugged them down my thighs.

I didn't even care when he tossed them to the side and stared down at me naked beneath him. Nothing could have mattered in that moment aside from getting him inside me. "I believe the deal was you were going to cream all over my tongue," he said, pressing massive hands against the insides of my thighs and shoving them wide.

Tags: Adelaide Forrest Bellandi Crime Syndicate Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024