Grieved Loss (Bellandi Crime Syndicate 3) - Page 91

“Thank you for making them a part of today,” I whispered, leaning down to touch my lips to his before he could stand. “Husband.”

“Careful, wife, or we might go home early.” I giggled as he stood. I couldn’t wait.


With the kids spending the night at their Grandpa's for their first ever sleepover, the Mom in me wanted to call him and make sure everything was okay the second we got home.

I trusted my Dad with them, but Ines had never been away from me for an entire night. The way Ryker glanced at me out of the corner of his eye told me he knew just how antsy I felt as we pulled up the driveway. He smirked, and I refrained from asking.

They'd be fine, and Dad knew how to use a fucking phone if they weren't.

I took a deep breath as Ryker drove the Maserati down the side lane to park it in the garage. The rings on my finger felt heavy, as if the weight they put on my soul was tangible. I wanted to feel free, and I tried to focus on the fact that my feelings for Ryker only grew by the day. I tried not to think about that one dark cloud hanging over us in the form of his domination. I'd just give him the chance Ivory and Samara said, hoping that if I stopped pushing, so would he.

It was the only chance we had at finding our way through to the other side of our marriage.

To the beauty and the peace that I could feel hovering on the horizon. To the love that bloomed in my heart.

When we stepped out of the car, Ryker rushed around to lift me into his arms so that my legs draped over his arm and I clung to him with my arms around his chest. "It figures that the first time I have you here alone, I want to make love to you in our bed and not fuck you on the hood of the Chevelle."

I laughed as he stepped over the threshold, expecting him to set me to my feet once that formality was out of the way. Instead, he strode down the hall with me in his arms, showing no signs of stopping until we reached the closed doo

r that went to the main house. There he set me down, opening the door for me and letting me walk through. "So, make love to me first, and then fuck me on the Chevelle," I teased. "If the kids are gone all night, we have some time to take advantage of." Ryker stared down at me, taking my hand in his and pulling me to the stairs so that we could race up them. With no kids to think of, we left the gates open in our haste to get to our bedroom.

"I want to fuck you in the gym and the kitchen," he whispered as we went into the bedroom finally. He closed the door behind him, and I realized how odd it seemed given that we were alone. But the thought fled from my mind the moment he turned and strode for me. He gathered the silk of the dress up in his hands, and I raised my arms to help him shimmy it off my body. His fingers traced over the curve of my bare shoulder, and I stared up at him as my hands slid the suit jacket off his broad shoulders.

"We have time," I whispered.

"We have our lives," he said back, and his stare was intense on mine. As if he could compel me to believe the words, but I wouldn't have agreed to marry him if part of me didn't think it was true already. As soon as my fingers went to the buttons on his shirt, he pushed my hands away to undo them more hastily. My hands went to his pants, unbuttoning and sliding the zipper down in my hurry to get him naked. By the time they fell to his ankles, he'd tossed his shirt to the side and moved to step out of them, kicking his shoes off. "Get on the bed, Sunshine," he whispered, but I shook my head.

"Not tonight," I said shyly, but I reached behind me and unfastened my bra. When it slid down my arms, I watched Ryker's bright eyes darken to icy pools as his gaze narrowed in on my breasts. Hooking my thumbs into the sides of my panties, I slid them down over my thighs slowly, watching his gaze lower as all that intensity shifted down my body.

"Calla, get on the bed," he repeated, his voice dropping to a growl. I shook my head again, stepping forward to hook my thumbs into the boxer briefs that covered him and slid them down until they too fell to his ankles. Then I bit my lip, glancing down at the erection that stood ready as I took his hand and guided him to the bed. I gave him a playful shove, laughing when he let himself fall to his back but tugged me down with him. Shifting his body into the center of the bed, he narrowed his eyes on me. "What are you up to, Tesoro?" he asked as I laid my body on top of him and nipped at his neck.

"I want to explore you this time," I whispered, dragging my lips down his neck in a smooth glide until they brushed over the scruff of his jaw. As soon as my lips were close enough to his, he turned his head and captured them in a fierce kiss that left my mouth feeling bruised. One hand clasped around the back of my head, he tried to contain me, tried to hold me where he wanted me. I could feel the way, with every stroke of his tongue on mine, he tried to seduce me back into the mindless puddle he usually forced me into. But I was determined to take what I wanted, to finally get my mouth on him and a much closer look at the piercing I was normally too shy to inspect.

When he finally released my mouth, I slid my body down his so that my lips touched his chest, so that my tongue dragged over his collarbone, and I felt his heart beating against my mouth. I would have sworn it beat in time with mine, that we were so connected that even our biology recognized us for what we were.

Two halves of a whole. Husband and wife.

Like the darkness in his soul called to the light in mine.

By the time my tongue danced around the bar piercing through his nipple, he jolted, grinding his hips up against mine. I repeated it on the other side quickly as his hands tightened around me, as if it took all his control not to put an end to my fun and just take what he wanted. I abandoned my play, determined to get more of it later when there was time, and he wasn't ready to fuck me yet.

I could do all I wanted to him once I'd drained him dry.

My tongue dipped into his belly button, sliding out to glide through the faint happy trail that led to his cock. I took it in hand, squeezing and pumping once as I shifted my weight down. Once I knelt between his legs, I positioned it perfectly, staring at the single barbell just below the head on the underside of his shaft.

It somehow suited him, like I couldn't imagine him without it, even though I knew there had been a day when it wasn't there. Tentatively, I leaned forward and ran my tongue over it, feeling the warm metal against me as he groaned. Glancing up to find Ryker staring down at me, I was suddenly filled with apprehension. I'd never enjoyed giving head, only done it out of obligation, and found that I wanted to make Ryker feel good. I wanted to make him as mindless as he made me.

I just didn’t know how.

So, with a swallow of my nerves, I ducked my head down and wrapped my lips around the head, sucking as hard as I could. When he groaned again, I drew away in shock. Our eyes connected briefly, and when I realized it had been a groan of pleasure and not disappointment, I did it again, sliding my mouth down as far as it could go. It wasn't much, not given the length and girth that Ryker had.

I suspected it would take someone far more practiced than I to do anything impressive when it came to giving him head, but maybe I would get there one day. My hand wrapped around the base, holding him where I wanted him and working the length I couldn't reach while I glided my mouth up and down on him.

His hips shifted, his moan of "Sunshine," echoing in my ears as I strove to bring him right to the edge.

I knew I'd succeeded when he grabbed under my arms and hauled me up the bed so suddenly that I released him with a wet pop. "Hey! I wasn't done," I protested, giggling when he rolled me to my stomach and his weight came down on my back.

Tags: Adelaide Forrest Bellandi Crime Syndicate Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024