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Shifting Gears (Reynold's Restorations 3)

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She grabbed my hand. “I know,” she said simply. “I just wanted to tell you. I didn’t want you walking into the house unprepared.”

I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck. “I’ll avoid the house, and I am sure she’ll avoid the garage for the few days she’s around. If we bump into each other, I’ll be polite. She will be too. It’s fine.”

She shook her head, her wide eyes round in her face.

“She told me she’s here indefinitely, Brett. She quit her job with Carl.”

I stared at her.

I wasn’t expecting that.

I sat outside in my car, staring at Stefano’s house. I’d been there a hundred times. Felt the genuine welcome of my friend and his wife. The excitement from Theo for being there. I always enjoyed coming here. And get-togethers were usually no exception. The house would be full of people I knew and cared about. Friends and adopted family I liked spending time with.

But today, the house would have an extra person in it. Before leaving me in the office earlier, Charly had told me she was bringing Kelly as long as I was okay with it. I had paused before giving my answer, unsure how to feel about it. Uncertain what to say.

“As I said before, we’re adults, Charly. I think we can behave accordingly.”

But now, knowing she might be somewhere inside those walls, I wasn’t sure. There was a good chance Charly had invited her and she’d stayed behind. She might have decided she didn’t want to see me. She was the one who left, after all. It had been her decision.

But I knew there was a chance she was here now.

It was odd; it was as if I’d sensed her close the day before.

I thought back to the sudden reoccurrence of the dream last night. The replay of the last time we were together. Alone. Locked in the storeroom. The only difference was the end of the dream. I always woke up before she left, but in reality, once we’d finished, she’d slipped away. I saw her only briefly one more time, and she was gone without an explanation.

Why had the dream returned?

Had I somehow sensed her return even then?

I shook my head to clear it. What a stupid idea.

I sighed and scrubbed my face. I needed to make a decision. Call Stefano with an excuse, drive away, and find a bar to drown my sorrows in, or man up and go inside. Greet Kelly like the adult I insisted I was and ignore her.

There would be lots of other people in attendance. She’d probably hang with Charly, Gabby, and the kids most of the time. She usually did if we were in a group anyway.

I shook my head and got out of the car.

I could do this.

I paused at the corner of the house, feeling like a stalker as I peered around the lilac bush. I scanned the backyard, not seeing Kelly. I listened but didn’t pick up her voice. I huffed out a sigh of relief, knowing my first instinct was correct and she hadn’t come. Straightening my shoulders, I walked forward, holding out my arms.

“Okay, people, I have arrived! Let’s get this party started!”

I was met with laughter and catcalls. I stopped to hand Gabby the flowers I picked up for her, dropping a kiss to her head and peering down at Luna, who was asleep in her mother’s arms. She had crazy curls like her mother and a stubborn set to her jaw like her dad. She was gonna be a handful, and I was going to enjoy watching Stefano deal with it.

Gabby smiled at me. “Thanks, Brett.”

Charly pouted, and I chuckled, pulling a chocolate bar from my pocket and handing it to her. “My dad got this in for you.”

Her eyes widened and she grabbed it, looking around to make sure no one noticed. She loved a certain English chocolate bar, and I made sure to get my dad to order some in every so often as a treat. It was one thing she refused to share—even with Maxx or her kids. I knew she’d find a corner to eat it in later.

“Just the one?” she asked.

I winked. “Nope. I know where there’s an entire box. You behave, I might let you in on the secret.”

She sniffed. “Behave? I’ll just ask Chase. He knows all your hiding spots.” She winked back at me, looking mischievous. “It’s far more fun to misbehave.”

I was laughing as I headed toward Stefano, Maxx, and Chase, manning the barbecue and smoker. The scent of roasting meat filled the air. My stomach growled at the smell, reminding me I hadn’t eaten all day.

I grabbed a beer, leaning on the deck rail. “Boys,” I greeted them. “Smells awesome.”

Stefano chuckled. “Ready in about half an hour. Mama and Vince should be here soon.”

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