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Shifting Gears (Reynold's Restorations 3)

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I rocked her in my arms, liking how she snuggled into me. It was a nice feeling.

Someone had put on some music, and I relaxed back in my chair, enjoying the peacefulness of the moment. Through my half-opened eyelids, I peered around at the group. Stefano sat with his arm around Gabby, nuzzling her head. Maxx had Charly tucked beside him, the two of them watching their kids, who were playing in front of them. Chase was talking to Mary and laughing.

And despite my best efforts, my gaze took in Kelly. Like me, she was off on her own. I studied her, noting how thin she looked. Weary and worn. Kelly was always smiling, filled with life. She seemed downtrodden. She stared at the flames, her expression blank, none of her usual sassiness evident.

What had happened that brought her back?

I hadn’t been sure she would ever return to Littleburn—except to see Charly. I knew she gave up her apartment in Toronto last year when the owner sold the house. Maxx and Charly had gone in and brought back her things, storing them in the back of the barn. There were only some boxes, no furniture. I had helped Maxx empty his truck, and he explained that the small place Kelly had been living in was furnished when she moved in, so there were no big pieces to move. I had only nodded, realizing how little I truly knew of the life Kelly led.

Kelly wiped her cheeks, sliding back in her chair, lifting her face to the sky. I glanced up, seeing how bright the stars were tonight. She had always liked to look at them, pointing out the constellations and getting excited over a shooting star. I knew she would be finding her favorites right now and studying them.

I had to pull my gaze away.

What she was looking at, how she was feeling, was no longer any of my business.

It never really had been.


I woke up, stretching and curling back up in the comfortable bed. It was early—I knew that before I even opened my eyes. There were no signs of life from upstairs or in the kitchen. Slowly I shifted, lifting my eyelids. The sun was just coming up, the rays still dim and soft. Soon, the room would be bright and filled with sun. The diffused light made me itch to get my camera, so I slid from the bed, pulling on a hoodie over my sleep pants and T-shirt I liked to wear at night, slipped on my sneakers, and padded outside.

The morning air was crisp and refreshing. I glanced at the barn, mesmerized by the way the light hit the structure, turning the faded red wood to a beautiful hue. I snapped some pictures, then headed toward the fields of tall grasses around the house. The sun was changing them a brilliant golden color, and my lens captured the beauty of it all. I tracked the sun in my viewfinder, click after click of the shutter showing its ascent higher in the sky. I caught the trees varying from dusky gray to a rich green as the sun kissed them.

There was so much beauty here. And peace. It surrounded me.

How had I never seen all the beauty that was right here until now?

I shook my head as the answer became obvious.

I wasn’t looking. I wasn’t in the moment. I was always waiting to leave. Looking ahead. Comparing the what-ifs to the now. Worried about missing something, when, in fact, I missed everything.

I sighed as I sat on the porch, enjoying the quiet. The rocking chairs Charly had put out here were comfortable and inviting.

I was surprised when the door opened and Charly came out, carrying two cups of coffee.

“Finished taking pics?” she asked, handing me a cup.

“For now. The light was so beautiful, I couldn’t resist.”

“I know. It’s stunning here.”

I nodded, taking a sip of the strong coffee. “It is.” I frowned. “Why are you here?”

“I live here,” she deadpanned.

“I mean why aren’t you inside with your husband and babies?”

A soft smile lit her face. “Maxx has Vivvy, and he is feeding her, then he’s going to give her a bath. He loves doing that in the morning. Thomas is still asleep. When he wakes up, the two of them will fuss over Vivvy for a while. I often sit out here in the early morning on the weekends.” She lifted one shoulder. “The weekdays are so busy I don’t have much me time. Maxx tries to give me some on the weekends. Gives him a chance to be with the kids on his own too, you know?”

“You’re really happy, aren’t you?” I asked.

“I am. Maxx makes me happy. So do my kids. And the garage. I love all of it.” She sipped her coffee, observing me over the rim. “I don’t think I can say the same about you, Kelly. What’s going on? Why are you here?” Her gaze was direct and frank, her tone patient.

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