Shifting Gears (Reynold's Restorations 3) - Page 12

He held out his hand, and I gave him my empty bottle. He paused before he walked back into the store.

“And maybe take your own advice, young lady. Talk to him. Don’t make my mistakes. Life is too short.”

Our eyes met, and I saw the sadness in his. I nodded in silence. He pursed his lips. “I like you. Come see me again. Next time, I’ll buy you a soda.”

Then he went inside, shutting the old wooden door behind him.

I put the small bag in the basket and turned the bike in the direction of downtown. I had a man to see about some pictures.



I looked over the schedule, shaking my head. We were booked solid. We’d already expanded the garage, extended our hours, and still, we were barely able to keep up. Maxx didn’t want to extend Saturday hours past noon since that was his family time, and Sundays were the only day most of us got off. I rubbed the back of my neck, thinking about the idea I’d had. I needed to discuss it with Maxx and see what he thought.

Another expansion. Two more bays, at least two more mechanics. I’d been running numbers, and the profit would be worth the outlay.

Charly came in, perching herself up on the stool beside me. She peeked over my shoulder. “Holy moly. What is all that?”

“An idea,” I said dryly.

She stopped me from closing the file, flipping through the papers. “You think it’s a good idea?”

I sat back, crossing my arms over my head. “I think it’s the only option. Unless Maxx agrees to six-to-nine daily, including Saturdays. Have you seen the appointments?”

“I know. It’s crazy. I can barely keep up with the paperwork or inventory.”

I shot her a look. “You need to get some help.”

Her toes started wiggling, and I held in my groan. “What?” I asked.

“I do need some help. Gabby is so busy with the baby and Theo, she can’t do as much. I’m busy too and, frankly, I’m tired. Maxx is insisting on it.”

“Then get some help. We can put an ad in the paper. I can ask around at other shops.”

Her fingers joined in the wiggling. “I, ah, kinda had an idea. I talked to Maxx, and he said I had to talk to you.”

I sat back, crossing my ankle over my knee. “Spill it, Charly.”

She met my eyes, her wide mossy-green gaze worried. “Kelly,” was all she said.

“What about her?” I asked, then realization sank in. “What? Her work here? No.” It was hard enough with the glimpses I caught of her coming and going. Overhearing Maxx and Stefano talk about her looking for work in Toronto. The awful places she was looking at living in. I had to stay out of it. But her working here? Unthinkable.

She grabbed my hand. “Please listen, Brett.”

I withheld the string of curse words I wanted to yell and flicked my fingers, indicating she could talk.

“She can’t find a job in Toronto. Or a decent place to live. Maxx offered her the apartment here. Now that the leak is fixed, she can move in and settle. She found a part-time thing with the local paper, and she has a couple of photo shoots scheduled. She could help me with inventory and ordering. Booking appointments, keeping the place running.”

I gaped at her. “You want me to work with her in this office every fucking day? Are you crazy, Charly?”

She shook her head. “I’ve been working from the house, and Kelly could take over. It’s not full time, so she can do her other work, but it’s enough it will give me more time with my babies.” Her gaze became pleading. “I want more time with them.”

I hung my head, knowing I wouldn’t be able to refuse her. She so rarely asked anyone for anything.

“Charly—” I began, but she interrupted me.

“You would have the barest of contact. I’ll deal with her. So will Maxx. She won’t invade your space.”

“She’ll be living here,” I pointed out, knowing I was going to lose this battle.

“It’s not forever,” she said.

I barked out a dry laugh. “It never is with her.”

Charly frowned. “If you say no, I’ll drop it. I’ll figure out another way to help her.”

“What does she say?”

“The one time I brought it up, she said no. But I think she might be more open to the idea now. I haven’t spoken to her again. I wanted to talk to you first.”

“Where is she?”

“In the barn, working.”

I stood. “I’m going to talk to her.”

She stood as well, crossing her arms, looking like the little spitfire we all loved. “Are you going to be nice, or are you just going to chap her ass and the two of you fight?”

I rested my hands on her shoulders and bent, kissing her forehead. “I’ll be nice. But we need to clear the air and set boundaries if this ludicrous idea of yours has any chance of working.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Reynold's Restorations Suspense
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024