Shifting Gears (Reynold's Restorations 3) - Page 35

“Fuck,” he swore. “So ready. You are always so ready.”

Then his phone rang out. We stared at each other.

“Ignore it,” he muttered.

It rang again, and with another curse, he flung himself off the bed and grabbed his pants, taking his cell phone from his pocket.

“Brett Conner,” he snapped into the phone.

“What? Okay, okay, calm down. Where are you?” He listened for a moment. “Okay. I’ll get the tow truck and be there in twenty.”

He hung up, bending forward at the waist with a groan. “I gotta go. Mrs. Geoffrey was in a fender bender in the middle of the intersection in Lomand.”

“That’s gonna cause major backup,” I said sarcastically. “Especially at rush hour.”

He chuckled, pulling on his pants, tucking in his still-erect dick carefully. He leaned over me, kissing me hard. “Listen to you, all frustrated because you’re denied my dick this morning.”

“Whatever, stud.”

I grabbed my robe, following him to the door. He turned, eyeing me up and down. “Is that supposed to encourage me to leave?” he rasped, staring at the short, silky robe that showed off my legs. “Jesus, Kelly.”

“Think about what you’re missing,” I teased, loving this lighter side to our relationship.

He opened the door, then spun, dragging me into his arms. He yanked me close, wrapping his leg around me so I felt his still-hard-for-me erection. He kissed me until I was breathless, gripping his shoulders to keep from falling down. Then he stood back.

“Think about what you’re missing, Shutterbug.” He winked. “See you at the garage.”

He paused before going down the steps. “Don’t touch yourself,” he demanded, keeping his voice low. “I’ll know.”

Gaping, I followed him with my gaze as he hurried down the steps and disappeared. I was still standing there when the tow truck backed out, and he rolled down the window.

“I’ll know,” he called. “I won’t like it.”

Then he drove off.

I tried not to smile at his bossiness.

I failed.

I was keyed up all morning. Edgy. Why I listened to him and obeyed, I had no idea. I could have used my trusty vibrator and gotten off in about thirty seconds, I was so ready. But instead, I showered and headed into the garage. The place was bustling all morning. Brett, Chase, Ward, plus Stefano were all there, and everyone was busy. I was back and forth to the storeroom several times, trying to help. The phone was nonstop, and I hoped they would be breaking ground soon on the expansion. They needed the manpower and the space.

Even though the garage was to close at noon, it was past three when Brett rolled down the main door, wiping his hands on a rag. “Great job, guys,” he called out. “We got everyone done, including the two emergencies. Lunch on me Monday.”

Ward grinned. “Excellent.”

Chase smiled, but I noticed he didn’t seem as enthused. Brett walked over, saying something to him. Chase shook his head, clapping Brett on the shoulder and offering him a smile. Brett frowned, but Chase seemed to wave him off and kept tidying up his area. Stefano said something to both of them, frowning at Chase’s reply, but I heard him tell him if he changed his mind, there would be plenty of food. Stefano left with a wave, heading toward the house. I knew we were having a barbecue later, so I was sure he was reminding Chase about dinner. It would be odd if he didn’t show up, but maybe he had a date. Ward left, and I headed to the storeroom to straighten it up. After such a busy day, it was a mess, and Charly liked it organized.

I pulled the small stool over so I could reach the upper shelves, and I tidied the cans, bottles, and parts back into some semblance of order. I cursed as one of the overhead lights flickered then died. I would have to ask Brett or Stefano to change it—the ceiling, even with the stool, was too high for me. A moment later, Brett walked in, leaning on the doorframe.

“Ah, good,” I said. “I have a lightbulb that needs changing.”

“Do you?” he asked.

I looked over my shoulder. He had pulled off his coveralls to his waist, leaving him in a muscle shirt that was tight to his chest and showed off his abs. His hair was high in the front, the blond catching the light from the hallway. I had to stop myself from staring at how sexy he looked. He narrowed his eyes, studying me. I swallowed hard.

“Um, yeah.”

He walked in, shutting the door, the light now even dimmer. He walked over, his eyes never straying from me.

“Anything else need changing?”

I tightly gripped the hose I had been putting back in the box. “Um, no,” I said, shocked to hear the squeak in my voice.

Brett took the hose from my hands, studying it, then easily reaching over my head to drop it into the box. “No?” he asked quietly, stepping right behind me, trapping me between his chest and the shelves.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Reynold's Restorations Suspense
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024