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Shifting Gears (Reynold's Restorations 3)

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I let her take her lead, groaning as she moved. Rolling her hips, lifting and dragging herself over me. I felt the night air kiss my cock as she rose, then sheathed me back in her warmth. Over and again, going faster as the minutes slipped by. She let her head fall back, offering me her breasts as she chased her release. I licked and sucked. Whispered her name. Praised her movements. Begged her for more. Slid my fingers between us, stroking her clit as she began to tighten. Took her mouth again as she came around me, my orgasm like the snap of a whip tearing through my body. Hot, fast, unexpected. I buried my face in her neck, riding it out. Holding her close as she burrowed into my chest, limp and exhausted. I lay back, taking her with me, being sure the blanket covered her.

We stayed silent, her body so still I thought she’d fallen asleep.

“That didn’t feel like fucking,” she whispered.

I stroked over her head, the silky texture of her hair rubbing on my hand. “You want to know a secret, Shutterbug?”

She looked up, and I met her gaze, our eyes locking.

I bent and kissed her lips. “It’s never just fucking with us. It’s more,” I said against her mouth.

I felt her smile, then she snuggled back to my chest.

Her reply was so quiet, I almost missed it.

“I know.”

There was a subtle shift in our dynamic over the next week. The garage was busy, and although the office was always occupied, I missed her when it wasn’t Kelly behind the desk. She’d had to spend a lot of time sorting, choosing, and streamlining her pictures for the paper. She and Charly spent hours with their heads together, adding additional pictures to her website. She sought me out often, asking my thoughts. I knew nothing about photography, but I knew good work when I saw it, and I praised Kelly effusively.

“Shutterbug, these are amazing,” I said, looking at the layout and the photos. “They evoke—” I paused, searching for the right word “—feelings. Memories relived, if that makes sense.”

She hugged my arm, then leaned up on her toes and kissed me. “Perfect sense. Thank you.”

On Friday, Kelly came to me with her eyes glowing, showing me the paper and excited that she’d had several inquiries already for private photo shoots. The paper was thicker than normal, and even the grainy newspaper images showed her talent. She’d captured joy and happiness. Family. Simple beauty. Her photos told a story.

I pulled her close, kissing her head. “Congratulations, Kelly. These are awesome.”

She smiled, cupping my face. “Can we go out and celebrate?”

I couldn’t hide my delight. “Yeah? I’d love that. Dinner?”

She nodded. “I’d love a good steak. Zeke’s?”

“I could take you into Toronto for something fancier.”

“No, I like Zeke’s.”


“I have some errands to run and calls to make. How about I meet you there?” she asked.

“What time?”

She mulled it over. “Seven?”

I kissed her nose. “Perfect. We’ll celebrate twice.”


I leaned down, capturing her mouth in a scorching kiss. “Dinner out, then a private celebration.”

She blinked as I pulled back. “Okay, then,” she breathed out and walked away. I tried not to smile as she stumbled a little, catching the doorframe to steady herself.

I failed.

I was running late, and I texted Kelly to tell her. When I arrived at Zeke’s, I stepped inside, scanning the room. Kelly was at the bar, sitting in the seat beside the wall. She looked uncomfortable, her shoulders back, her glass in her hand. I watched as a guy sidled up to her, leaning close. She jerked back, covering her glass in a defensive gesture and shaking her head. He leaned nearer, and I saw the panic on her face. With a low curse, I hurried in her direction, calling her name as I got closer. She glanced up, seeing me, the relief on her face obvious.

The guy stood, glancing my way with a scowl. I pushed past him, leaning down and kissing her on the mouth. She grabbed the lapel of my jacket, fisting it in her hand. “Hey, baby,” I crooned. “Sorry I’m late.” I turned to the stranger. “Can I help you with something?”

He narrowed his eyes but shook his head as he looked between us. “Nope, my mistake.” He turned and walked away.

“That’s right, jackass,” I muttered. “Keep walking.”

I glanced down, surprised to see how tightly Kelly’s hand gripped my coat. I covered her knuckles, stroking gently. “Okay, Shutterbug?”

She sighed, leaning into me in one of her rare displays of vulnerability. “I am now you’re here.”

I wrapped my arm around her, holding her tight until I felt her relax. I pressed a kiss to her head. “Want to get a table?” I asked. “Or go home?”

“Table,” she replied, sliding off her barstool. I took her hand, heading toward the booths on the other side. “You don’t want to take your drink?”

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