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Shifting Gears (Reynold's Restorations 3)

Page 53

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The bottom line was I didn’t offer him that honesty, so I had no right to expect it of him.

It frightened me how much I wanted him to.

And since that night, we’d had a disconnect I couldn’t explain. I had worked again on Saturday, going to two festivals to take pictures. Brett had to work in the garage, and Charly had come with me for the day. We had a lot of fun, but it wasn’t the same as with him. There were no stolen kisses, no teasing and banter. Charly was great at cajoling people into signing the waivers, pointing out things that would make interesting shots, but somehow the day was dimmer. I was tired at the end of the day, and there was no Brett to rub my feet. No strong neck muscles for me to massage. No stars to share the night with. I knew he was spending some time with his dad, but still, I missed him. I wanted to text him and tell him, but I stopped myself, unsure if I should. Ours wasn’t a texting “Where are you?” sort of relationship.

Anyone looking at us wouldn’t see anything different. He was friendly, affectionate even. But he was holding himself back. I could feel it.

Last night was one of their monthly classes. The garage felt as if it was filled with women, although I knew the classes topped out at thirty people. Even after two years of running them, they still had a wait list.

I watched it from the office, trying not to scoff at some of the women. They were dressed to the nines, their hair and makeup perfect, and I doubted they cared about what happened under the hood. They were only interested in the men up front. Tonight, it was Brett and Stefano with Chase. All dressed in their coveralls, looking handsome and sexy. One blond woman was so focused on Brett, she was practically attached to him. She followed him between the cars they were giving hands-on demonstrations with, constantly interrupting other women, trying to monopolize his attention. She laughed too loudly, waved her hands often, playing the damsel. At one point, she cornered him, pouting and telling Brett she didn’t want to break her nails or get dirty. Then she winked. “At least not with a car.”

Overhearing that remark, I marched into the garage, grabbing a clipboard for a prop.

She moved in closer and then had the audacity to touch him. Place her fake-nailed fingers on his chest, touching the buttons of his coveralls playfully. “Besides,” she purred. “If I can fix it, I won’t have an excuse to visit you, Mr. Conner. I bet you know how to tune me up well. I mean, my engine.” Then she laughed, the sound grating on my nerves.

Brett glanced up, seeing my glare.

“Is that the confirmation on that job order?” he asked, sidestepping her, relief evident in his voice.

“Yes, I need your signature right away.”

He nodded. “Excuse me,” he said to the woman. “You should go join the rest of the class. I need to handle this.”

“Maybe you’d like to handle me later,” she replied.

I barreled right between them. “I don’t think so. Page two clearly states no fraternizing with class attendees.”

“And you are?” she snapped.

“His boss. Excuse me.” I grabbed his hand and pulled him away. In the hallway, he grinned down at me.

“Thanks. She was getting a little handsy.”

“I noticed.”

“My boss?” he asked with a grin. “You came to save me, Shutterbug?” he whispered, sliding his hand up my neck, cradling my head. “Claim your territory?”

I groaned as he covered my mouth with his, kissing me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, holding him close. He yanked me tight to his torso, devouring my mouth like a starving man.

Behind us, I heard Stefano’s voice ring out. “Okay, ladies, we’re moving on to tires. Everyone grab a pressure gauge.”

Brett dropped his head to my shoulder. “Dammit, I have to go. I need to avoid Michelle if I can. She’ll want to grab my pressure gauge.”

I began to laugh, and he kissed me again. His eyes were warm and soft. “Thanks for saving me, Shutterbug. I like you all possessive.”

I smiled up at him, sensing our connection growing again. Loving his teasing. His touch. He returned to the group, leaving me restless without him. Our eyes met several times the rest of the night, but I was alone again when I returned to the apartment.

I missed him. Oddly enough, I realized I missed us.

The meeting wrapped up, and they all shook hands. Maxx followed the contractor out, and Stefano and Brett spoke for a few moments, Brett rubbing his eyes more than once.

When Stefano left, waving to me as he headed down the hallway, I stepped into Brett’s office.

“You, ah, need anything?”

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