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Shifting Gears (Reynold's Restorations 3)

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“But you said—”

I stopped him. “Forget what I said. I am free with you, Brett. You give me that and so much more. You don’t trap me. You let me breathe and live. You offer me support and love. Comfort. All the things I’ve never had before. The excitement you saw was because I could hardly wait to share all of it with you. And you were right. It wasn’t the small town I hated. It was the life I was forced to lead. I love it here, but not because of the town. Because of the people. Because of you.”

“I can’t believe what I’m hearing.”

“Believe it. Charly was right. She always said I was searching. But I had no idea what I was searching for until I almost lost it. I was looking for you. You give me everything I need. I was just too afraid to admit it.” I hesitated. “I don’t want to be afraid anymore. I want to live this life—with you.” I swallowed. “If you still want that.”

He turned, his knees pressing into mine. He clasped my hands, his larger ones shaking. “You said something earlier. I need to hear you say it again.”

“I love you, Brett Conner. I love you more than anything.”

He yanked me into his arms, his mouth covering mine. He kissed me, pulling me onto his lap. “Say it again.”

“I love you.”

He buried his face into my neck. “And I can keep you?”


“And we’ll build a life together. Some of yours, some of mine?”


“I still hate you gave up your work.”

“They’re pictures. I can take more. There’s only one you. You’re worth more than anything else to me.”

“Kelly,” he whispered.

“Please say it,” I whispered back.

“I love you, Kelly. I would follow you to the ends of the earth if that’s what it took.”

“How about just to Mexico?”

He kissed me. “That’s a good place to start.”

I woke up, wrapped in Brett. We had talked late into the night, then collapsed into bed, exhausted and worn, falling asleep fast. I had texted Charly, telling her all was good and Brett needed to come in late. Her response was fast.

Charly: He is covered for the week. Make your plans.

I cupped Brett’s cheek, stroking his skin. He had a couple marks from where Carl had defended himself, but nothing major. Carl had looked a lot worse last night.

I was barely able to contain my hatred as I looked at him in his hospital bed. At first, he was smug, certain he had won. Until he noticed Officer Gallagher behind me and I informed him I had completed a report against him.

Then he shook his head. “Didn’t happen here, if it happened at all.”

“I have the hospital reports. It happened. I can file a report here. It will certainly make your career harder since you can’t travel with a criminal record.” I was totally bluffing, but he had no idea.

“What do you want?”

“Drop the charges against Brett, and I’ll drop mine.”

“What else?”

“I never want to see you, hear from you, about you, ever again.” I pursed my lips. “And if I hear one thing about me, catch one piece of gossip, I am going to go public with the fact that you stole my work and claimed it as your own.”

He peered behind me. “I need those other pictures.”

I lifted my shoulders. I had already resigned myself to that fact. I didn’t care anymore. “I might be persuaded. Drop the charges.”

He picked up his phone and called his lawyer. A moment later, he nodded. “Done.”

I pulled out my phone and tapped on the keys. “I emailed you the pictures.”

He nodded.

“I have the email as proof, Carl. Stay the hell away from me and anyone I care about, and leave. I never want to see you again.” I paused at the door. “Get some help, Carl. Stop wasting your life.”

Then I walked out.

A touch on my cheek brought me out of my thoughts. Brett’s eyes were warm and happy as he gazed at me. “Hi,” he murmured.


“You were thinking pretty hard there.”

I shook my head. “Just thoughts. Nothing major.” I didn’t want to talk about Carl anymore.

He yawned and stretched. “It’s late. I slept in.” The blanket fell away, exposing his torso. The morning light played on his muscles, highlighting them. I blinked and looked away.

“The garage is covered. Charly thought you might need some extra sleep to recover from your ordeal of being thrown in the slammer.”

He chuckled. “She is getting too much enjoyment from this.”

“I know.”

“Would you go somewhere with me today, Shutterbug?”


“Okay. I need a shower, then I’m taking you to breakfast. I’m starving.”

I let my gaze roam over him. He was relaxed, happy. He grinned as he met my eyes, and I couldn’t help but notice the way the blanket was tenting over his growing erection.

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