Risky (Adventures in Love 2) - Page 2

Still not wanting to be wrong about the man I’d fallen in love with, I was holding out hope that he would come around once Sampson was born. I thought maybe once he saw his son and held him, he would feel the connection I did and fall in love.

That didn’t happen.

Instead, he started working more and sometimes stayed out all night. More than once, he came home smelling like perfume, and a few times, I would see texts from women pop up on his phone. Eventually, my heart couldn’t take any more, and I told him I was leaving. He didn’t ask me to stay. He didn’t put up a fight. In fact, he helped me pack. Then this morning, he got me and my son in my car and sent us on our way.

“Everly,” Mom calls, and I come out of my thoughts and blink my eyes open. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” I take the bottle she’s holding out to me. “Just spaced out.”

“Are you tired?” Her eyes wander over my face. “Do you want me to take Sampson so you can sleep for a bit?”

“I think I’ll just lie down with him.” I hold Sampson a little tighter. For the last ten months, he’s been all my responsibility, so thinking about doing something like just taking a nap while even my mom looks after him makes me feel anxious.

“Well then, while you do that, I’m going to take your dad some lunch and see what I can come up with for dinner.”

“Sounds good. I’ll be back down to help you cook.” I turn to head for the doorway in the kitchen to take Sampson upstairs.


I stop to look at her over my shoulder and watch her shake her head while her eyes start to mist with tears.

“You’re not alone anymore, honey.” She clears her throat while placing her hand against her chest. “I know you’ve been doing this all by yourself, but you’re not alone now.”

With my throat getting tight, I nod and leave the kitchen before I break down in tears. For so long, I didn’t tell anyone what was happening between Lex and me, because I was positive things would get better, and I didn’t want anyone to have animosity toward him when they did. Now, I wish I would have opened up about everything, at least to my mom. I could have used her advice and support, especially when I didn’t have anyone.

When I get upstairs, I walk past my brother Jayson’s room, which had been empty for years and is now Sampson’s nursery—courtesy of my mom and her friends—and head for my bedroom, at the end of the hall. With Sampson starting to fuss, I get comfortable on my bed before giving him his bottle, then watch him with wonder as he eats.

I grew up in a house filled with love and have been lucky to experience love a time or two in my life, but I never really knew how fully I could love another person until I gave birth to the baby in my arms. In such a short time, he’s taught me so much about myself and what really matters in life.

Once he’s finished eating, I rest him against my shoulder and burp him, then hold him until he falls asleep. As he drifts off, I silently promise him that I will always make him a priority and that there will never be a day in which he thinks he’s not wanted.

Lying on the floor with Sampson, I grab him up before he can climb over my stomach and then start to tickle him. I smile when I hear him laugh, and I sit up with him in my arms when my cell starts to ring. I take him with me across the room, grab my phone, and try not to get my hopes up when I recognize the number on the screen. I’ve been at my parents’ now for three weeks, and in that time, I’ve applied to at least a hundred places and have gone through a dozen interviews, but I have yet to get a job offer.

“Hello?” I answer, putting my cell to my ear.

“Everly, it’s Maverick from Live Life Adventures.” When Sampson starts to fuss, wanting to get down, Maverick adds, “Is this a good time?”

“Hi, Maverick. Yes, now is fine. How are things?” I place Sampson on the ground, and he immediately starts to crawl to where his toys are.

“Things are good. I wanted to reach out to you to see if you’re still interested in managing the office here at the lodge.”

“Are you kidding? Of course I’m still interested!” I blurt out, then cringe, realizing how unprofessional I sound. “Sorry. I mean yes, I’m still interested.”

“Good.” He chuckles. “Do you have time tomorrow or the next day to come in, meet with me and Tanner to go over a few things, and fill out some paperwork?”

Tags: Aurora Rose Reynolds Adventures in Love Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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