Risky (Adventures in Love 2) - Page 23

“What are you doing here?” The question is quiet, or it sounds quiet to me because of the blood currently pumping hard through my veins, the woosh-woosh sound of it so loud I can hear it in my ears.

Stopping just in front of me, Blake tucks his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. “I didn’t want you or Sampson to be alone.” He glances into the back seat. “I was going to ask if I could come with you but didn’t think you’d say yes.”

“So you just showed up,” I say, and he shrugs. “Thank you.” I swallow over the lump that has suddenly formed in my throat while my eyes start to water.

“Come here, Everly,” he says gently, holding open his arms, and I don’t hesitate to step into his embrace and wrap my arms around his waist. “It’s going to be okay.” His hold tightens as I nod. “And if it’s not, I’ll find a way to get you guys out of there, okay?”

“Yeah,” I reply, and after a quick squeeze, he lets me go and steps back to open the rear door all the way.

The moment Sampson sees him, he starts to yell “Da, da, da, da!” while kicking his feet and reaching his arms out for Blake, and if I didn’t know any better, I’d think he keeps referring to Blake as Dad.

“All right, big guy, you’re free,” he says once he’s cleared the door of the car, and Sampson wraps his chubby little arms around Blake’s neck and hugs him, making my heart melt. “Are you ready?” His eyes come to me, and I want to say no, but I also want to get this over with.


“Liar.” He smiles, taking the diaper bag from me and placing it over his shoulder, then grabs my hand. My first instinct is to pull away, but the connection to him right now makes me feel safe and less anxious, so I relax. “Let’s go eat some food.”

“I don’t think I’m going to be able to eat,” I mumble when I see the couple waiting outside the entrance to the restaurant, watching us closely as we approach.

I didn’t ask Lex what his parents looked like; then again, I guess I didn’t need to. His dad looks like him. They both have the same tall, lanky build, dark hair with hints of silver, and olive skin. His mom is the opposite—petite and blonde—and not happy, judging by the scowl on her face. Jeff, like Lex, is a very handsome man, the silvering of his hair and the wrinkles forming around his eyes making him seem more interesting than old. Ginny, on the other hand, looks tired. Even with her wrinkle-free skin and her blonde hair that’s blown out to perfection, I can see the stress around her eyes that cosmetics and facials can’t hide.

“Ginny, Jeff?” I ask when we’re close enough I don’t have to raise my voice, and Jeff smiles, while Ginny’s frown deepens as she glances between Sampson and Blake.

“Lex didn’t mention you were bringing someone with you,” Ginny says in greeting, and I notice then that Blake’s hold on my hand is tighter than it was.

“Ginny.” Jeff sighs, reaching out his hand before I can respond to his wife. “It’s nice to meet you, Everly.” I let go of Blake to take his hand. “And this must be Sampson.”

“Yes, and my friend Blake,” I say to introduce them, and he shakes Blake’s hand, then reaches out to Sampson, who clings to Blake, resting his head against his chest and tucking his hand in his mouth.

“He’s cute,” he tells me.

“He looks nothing like Lex,” Ginny inserts, and my stomach twists violently while Blake’s entire body tightens next to mine. “He looks like your boyfriend’s kid.”

“Ginny!” Jeff snaps, and she turns to glare at her husband.

“It’s true. Look at him.” She waves her hand out to Blake and Sampson.

“I can assure you that he is Lex’s son,” I say in defense.

“I want a DNA test.”

“Pardon.” Blake’s voice rumbles so deep that I feel it vibrate through my cells.

“Jesus, Ginny, what the fuck?” Jeff hisses.

“If he’s Lex’s boy, then a DNA test will prove it.”

“That is not happening,” I tell her, balling my hands into fists to keep from reaching out and slapping her. I’ve never in my life had the urge to cause someone harm until this moment, and it’s honestly taking all my strength to keep myself in check.

“Why? Because you know he’s not my son’s kid?” she asks, and I take a step toward her without thinking, taking pleasure when her eyes widen.

“This meeting is done.” Blake grabs hold of my arm as Jeff grabs Ginny’s hand and starts to tug her away from us, ignoring the glare she sends his way.

“It was nice meeting you, Everly. And sorry about this,” Jeff says over his shoulder while pulling his sputtering wife with him across the parking lot.

Tags: Aurora Rose Reynolds Adventures in Love Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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